20 October, 2008

Spotlight on: Falcon Rivers

Full Name: Falcon Brook Rivers
Birthday: June 17, 1991
Method of Creation: #3- On Eagle's character sketch under siblings he had a brother and a sister. I went with a bird theme and named them Falcon and Phoenix. I was bored one day so I drew a picture of the two of them. A friend at school had just gotten a really cool sweater jacket so I drew him wearing that. I decided to give Falcon big, round eyes (the opposite of Phoenix, although not quite like Eagle's either) and, above all, dreadlocks. That pic of him became the staple for what he looked like. Falcon was born.

Mini Bio:
Falcon Rivers is just 15 months younger than Eagle. Because of this, Eagle doesn't remember a time when he wasn't here. They have grown up together and have been close friends ever since. The two of them look very much alike- just like their father. They went through everything together, including their big medical adventure. Yes, Falcon too has whatever genetic metabolic disorder that causes hypoglycemia. Luckily, with time and patience, Falcon is relatively healthy most of the time. His problems usually arise when he is hungry. He isn't as thin as Eagle but he also isn't as tall.

Falcon's biggest trademark is his hair. He had thick, blond, curly Lisjovalan hair just like his brother and when he was 12 years old he went to Starry and got his hair put into dreadlocks. He still has them, 5 years later. Lisjovalan hair grows slowly, and the two people that own the dreadlocks shop are experts and are able to trim the hair and then re-knot it at the ends. Falcon gets his hair cut once every two years and can do it himself now.

Possibly the one thing that is more prominent than his hair is his hobby: surfing. Yes, like Eagle and Jag, Falcon is a surfer. He even teaches lessons during the summer and competes in local competitions. He has even traveled all the way to Kile Point on the east coast to surf. Currently, Falcon works at the same place Eagle did- the Port Rose Fish Market. He goes out on the big boats and helps rig the nets. He is a fisherman!

However, as much of a love as this is, he has another love, and that is music. At the persuasion of his brother, Falcon began playing in drumline as a sophomore in high school. He fell in love with it almost instantly and has decided to play in college. He plays snare for anyone wondering.

Falcon is fun-loving and loves to travel. He loves new places and people and enjoys hanging out with friends and traveling to the other islands. He's quite the character, but then again, aren't they all?

Five Fun Facts:
1. Falcon almost didn't to marching band. Eagle had to really try to get him to do it.
2. Falcon has a good singing voice.
3. Falcon can play the guitar and piano.
4. Falcon is 5'9'' tall.
5. Falcon can speak many languages such as Tellish, Raellian, Catin, and a little Lisjovalan.

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