04 November, 2008

Spotlight on: Mustafa Kribana

Wow. He was so instrumental (haha!) in how things are done here in my world. Why haven't I talked about him in detail until now?? Well, here goes! This will have a lot of backgroud story. You have been warned :-)

Full Name: Mustafa Maxim Kribana
Birthday: March 15, 1989
Method of Creation: All of them!

This one can be traced to Rollercoaster Tycoon again. For those that don't know, each peep that comes into the park has a guest number. For example, clicking on a certain guest might pull up "Guest 878." If you go into the options, you can choose to set guests "Real" names. Then, all the guests will be given pre-set real names and an initial. Since the game is a British game, many of the names are names you will probably only find popular in Europe. For example, how many people do you know by the name of Bug, Fly, Sinead, Alistair, or Giuseppe?

Anyway, I was scrolling through the list and came upon the name Mustafa. I laughed, because it looked like Mufasa when I first read it. I really liked the name a lot and it wasn't long before I wanted to give it to a person. I mean, how cool would it be to have a friend named Mustafa? Like I said, it was approaching March 15 (Ides of March) and I thought why not have that be his birthday. On that special day, he was created.

I needed a last name. I had decided that Mustafa was my cousin (the last new person to become directly related to me) and that he was Catin, so he needed a Catin last name. Just then, RCT came to mind again. Like I said, I love to just plug in some names and see what happens. If this sounds familiar, it's the same way I got Lesko Diamond's last name. Same park too. Anyway, I remembered that I came up with someone named Mufasa Kribana. A creative story was born. Mufasa named his first son Mustafa, so they would sound alike but not be exact. Therefore, Mustafa's dad is named Mufasa. Go Lion King references!

So now he had a name. Next, he needed a personality. There was a guy I knew who was an excellent musician (the same guy I based Harrison's musical talent off of) and I based Mustafa directly on his looks, but with Catin features: Black hair, warrior-like brown eyes, a bright smile and face, and muscular. At first, I decided that he was a musical genius and could play everything. Every year in band he played something different and he became a "filler" for orchestras. He hung out with a small group of people that consisted of Sheqan Lane, Anton Mohaili, and Calvin Lonliness. That didn't last long though.

Over the course of the next two years, he changed quite a bit. It became obvious that he had a main instrument and of all things it was the piccolo. Yes, he can play everything but he plays the flute/piccolo in band and orchestra. This led to him being most popularly known as Harrison Kye's best friend. They've "been best friends since Mustafa was born and that's only because he was born later." So that small group was out of the question.

Harry and Majestic, as they are popularly known, would walk to Mustafa's house every day during the lunch hour and practice together. Yes, the Kribanas live behind the high school.

Over the years, his family became solid. His father, Dr. Mufasa Kribana, is the French Horn professor at Kennywood University. His mom works part-time at Kelsen Elementary as the music teacher. He has, get this, 15 siblings... and that's so far! HUGE family much? What's better is he is the oldest of them all. Every kid in the family has a name from the early 1900's or a name that isn't common but sounds old-school. His siblings are as follows: Marcellus, Malachi, Henrietta, Maureen, Marcia, Edith, Mahala, Edgar, Alanis, Judith, Marjorie, Theodore, Oswald, and... and... I think I forgot two. Not bad. I haven't looked at this fam in a while... My memory is very good much?

So anyway, now Mustafa goes to the Tevernid School of Music with Harrison where he's getting his performance degree. Now for five fun facts!

1. Mustafa has perfect pitch and time.
2. He is very kind and helpful all the time.
3. He practices every day, usually with Harrison.
4. He is not competitive at all. He is very laid-back.
5. He is a Kribana. Remember, they have it in their blood to be good musicians.

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