11 September, 2009

Ambrose Update Again

Well when we left off Ambrose was really sick in the hospital BUT HE WAS DETERMINED TO BE IN BAND!!!!

Since then, lots has happened. Among other things he made the trip everyday to band and orchestra. With no kidney function. Looking as pale as a ghost. Unable to walk more than a few steps. By golly, he did it! He pushed himself hard, a little too hard a couple times, but nonetheless he was determined to do band and he did it! Ambrose is unstoppable!

Turns out he caught a rare and extremely nasty bacteria and the resulting infection destroyed his bladder and damaged his kidney to the point that it shut down. Surgery was done and the infection was cleared. He slowly got better and recovered to the point that he could speak and get around. He is very weak and has lost a ton of weight (sounds like Eagle) and all the levels in his blood are totally messed up, causing other problems.

He remained in the hospital every night, his blood cleaned by a machine and necessary meds sent to his body by various IV's. A drain near his belly button let out whatever his kidney did make. He was in bad shape. The breathing tube further hurt his already paralyzed vocal cords and he completely lost his voice. It probably will not return but Ambrose viewed his life for his voice a fair trade.

That brings us to a month and a half later. Well, by a miracle, on the night of September 5, that little kidney started working again. Not just a little bit, but 100%. It was amazing. Slowly his other levels went back to normal. Today they took him off the dialysis machine all day to see what happened. So far, so good! He has more energy than he has in a long time and although he still can't walk far he is getting better every day and his organs are healing.

What does Ambrose have to say about this? Not much, because he is getting ready for drum corps! That Ambrose, never tiring, always pushing forward. LOL but really, he is thankful to be alive. He may talk like an old smoker now but he says it will just add to his character. Ambrose, OMG!

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