22 September, 2009

V. Richlin's Big Storybook: Traversing the Realm

It was a cooler day. Aranel walked as she often did about the halls of Dahsir Castle. There was nearly nobody around and she liked the quiet. Suddenly it happened. She could feel it coming but could do nothing. The air around her grew very cold and all she could hear was the roar of many sounds. Her body could not stand and she began to fall- fall downward and through the floor to Terabi's realm where the monster had found her.

She lay there curled in a ball, fear in her eyes, as the giant monster surrounded her- its fiery red eyes looking her over. It began to laugh as it threw lightening, screamed things, and played with this small and frail thing. Aranel could do nothing but try to hold on as long as she could before she would snap- the weight too much on her body. She closed her eyes and hoped that someone would find her.

"You there! You let her be!" A voice rang from not far. A voice all too familiar. Aranel looked over at the shadowy figure that was approaching. His face had a look of deep care and strength. His eyes were dark and his stature very tall. His black hair framed his dark face with ease and majesty and his green eyes were now burning red with the pure power and strength of Terabi.

"You leave and never return," the man shouted at the monster, who was at least three times his size.

"Mera?!" Aranel exclaimed weakly, her eyes wide with fear and anguish. She knew it was him. She saw him every single day and knew there was something different about him. Then she could hold out no longer and began to give in to the monster's doings.

Mera knew he had to act fast. He reached into his chest and quickly pulled out his sword of pure Lovelight. It glowed blue with his very energy and strong emotions. He held it up to the monster and waved it menacingly, trying to banish the monster to the outer lands. The monster refused to give up his prey so Mera finally got close and laid a powerful slash. The monster screamed and began to fight back. Mera knew what to do, however, and knew all of the monster's moves. His eyes burned brighter than before and every slash was accompanied by a strong scream of power. He could see Aranel slipping away and with one final swing, the monster retired from the fight and ran away.

After the battle, Mera put away his sword and quickly ran over to where Aranel's body lay. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered the words of healing in Keòen. He gave her some time to recover, all the while kneeling and holding her in his arms. Finally he knew it was time to leave the realm so he took a strong hold of her and fell backwards and through the ground, reappearing in the halls of Dahsir.

Aranel had been hit especially hard today and it was obvious she was still under the effects of the monster's doings and was by no means ready to be left alone. He carefully picked up her limp body and carried her back to his house. Once there he prepared a place for her to rest and recover. She was breathless and pale and he could feel how weak she was in his arms. He also knew that she felt comfort with her head buried into his chest. He whispered the healing words in her ear as he laid her out on the bed. She was even still not fully recovered so he walked to the kitchen and prepared a special mixture of herbs that would help her. He then knelt by the bed and when she was able, slowly helped her drink the potion.

Mera knelt at the bedside carefully watching her as she began to recover from the attack. He began to whisper a great multitude of good things and began to sing the ancient Keòen songs. He realized that he too was very tired from the battle so he retired to rest. He knew that she would stay the night and that when morning came she would be good as new again and would have a much deeper respect and knowledge of his powers. He smiled to himself.

Terabi Tana is a powerful thing.

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