03 December, 2009

Jenny Diamond

"I have seen things that should be unseen and buried for a thousand years."

Coalie Ard, a prominent daughter of Electric Beach's Katrina Res History, married Myabata Kotolain. Their young life was good and they decided to continue the family line and started a family of their own. They had their first daughter, Ames, on January 14, 1959 and a second daughter, Terry, on April 20, 1960.

By now, this far into the Res family tree, the rare and fatal genetic disorder known as "fading illness" began to appear. It began running prominently in about the 6th generation. So, when Ames started showing signs of it in about 1965, the young Kotolain family was devastated. Ames was diagnosed completely in May of 1966.

At this time, Coalie got pregnant again. Whether they tried to have a baby or it just happened remains a mystery today. Anyways, when they broke the news to Terry, instead of being happy, she was angry. She and Ames were very close and now she was dying. In her eyes, no sibling could ever compare to Ames. She immediately got an idea in her head that Coalie and Myabata must think she could not be trusted to carry on the family line, hence another child.

Jennifer Jolene Kotolain was born on October 5, 1967. Terry was still bitter and did not care for this new baby. In her eyes, Jenny was no sister.

As Jenny aged she witnessed firsthand the effects of Fading Illness. All the medical lingo was natural to her and she saw things that she wished she hadn't. Ames died on August 6, 1976, at the age of 17, a long time for a person like her. The Kotolain family was stricken with grief and all of them but Jenny grew very bitter. Terry cursed Jenny over and over again but Jenny didn't let it get to her. For some reason, Jenny was unmoved by her sister's poisonous words. However, Terry started accusing Jenny of being unwanted and a mistake, and although Jenny didn't believe it, Terry got Coalie and Myabata to start believing it. Over the years Terry continued to manipulate her parents into thinking Jenny was an accident.

The years went on and Jenny and Terry fought all the time. After one particular fight at the end of Terry's senior year, Terry announced to Jenny a message: "Just watch! I'll get married and carry the line and you'll amount to nothing." She then went out and married a young guy named Blade Jacks as quickly as she could. Before long she was pregnant and on February 9, 1980, she gave birth to Jodie. About a year later on May 2, 1983, Edna was born.

In a cruel twist of fate, in Terry's evil attempt to destroy Jenny, both of her children were stricken with the worst form of Fading Illness. Edna died on June 15, 1982, and Jodie died on November 22, 1983. When they both were diagnosed Terry started to go crazy and when they died she lost it. Blade fled from the scene leaving Terry alone. Her attempt to destroy Jenny had failed and now there was, in her eyes, one option left.

It happened on a cold January day in 1986. Jenny recalls, "I remember the scene as clear as day. It's not something you forget." Jenny was 16 years old and was reading a book in the living room. Terry walked by, her eyes grey with lack of sleep and sanity. Jenny casually looked up and said, "I'm sorry for your loss." This caused Terry to lose it completely. She began screaming at her and accusing her again of being unwanted, an accident, and the reason everything was bad. She went to strike Jenny but Jenny was too fast and moved. Then, it happened.

"I have failed to carry out the family line. In my eyes it's me or nothing. You don't deserve to be here. If I can't carry the family line, then I am not going to watch you carry it!"

With that she pulled out a handful of MW pills and shoved them into her mouth, raw. She then grabbed a full syringe of Green and thrust the needle deep into her leg. Jenny just stood there, looking at her sister right in the eyes. In them, she saw hatred, bitterness, and... jealousy. Then her eyes dimmed and she fell to the floor, her life being slowly but hastily shaken out of her body. Jenny knew that there was no point saving her. She didn't love her. In fact, she only felt emptiness and pity for her sister's evil intent.

When at last Terry stopped moving and all life was gone, only then did Jenny call the ambulance. Terry was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead from MW + Green combination, at 23 years of age. Coalie and Myabata, corrupted from years of Terry's manipulation, blamed Terry's death on Jenny. They cursed her for not trying to save her. Jenny told them it wouldn't have made a difference. They didn't buy it. For the next year things were very rough in the Kotolain house. Argument after argument led Jenny to prepare to move out.

Through all of this, Jenny managed to find one person, a true friend, who listened to her. He was a short little guy, with tons of Catin in his blood, and yet had blond hair and blue eyes. He was a wrestler who also loved the beach and hanging out with his friends. They went to elementary school together but through middle school really connected. Many a day she would cry on his shoulder as he listened and comforted her. He was almost the only thing keeping her alive, other than a burning feeling that she was definitely meant to be, accident or not. He truly cared. She could see it in his eyes. She was a frequent and welcome visitor at his house. This young man was Elko Diamond.

When Jenny was 17, she got into a final fight with her parents. Her mother admitted, whether true or not is unclear, that Jenny was a mistake. Jenny simply replied, "Even so I am here. I shall take myself elsewhere." With that she packed up her things and moved into Elko Diamond's house, with all of his younger siblings.

She held a steady job and attended counseling to help her get past all the abuse she took. She and Elko got engaged while still in their senior year and were married right after graduation in 1986. Elko began going to school at Aildfror College studying graphic design and Jenny took piano classes. Before long they found out they were expecting twins! They were born in Electric Beach on March 26, 1988, and were identical twin girls which they named Rally and Jumanji. Shortly after, Elko got a full scholarship to University of Baydi Tarra so they moved there in the fall of 1989, just in time for Jenny to discover she was again expecting twins! This time it was fraternal twin boys who were born on January 9, 1990. They named them Lesko and Oja.

Elko's parents moved up to Tarra shortly after Elko and Jenny did, and 5 more kids joined the family: Sokphair, Janessa, Dagon, Toby, and Lyonal. Elko graduated with degrees in business and graphic design and began working for a company that made custom t-shirts and the like. Finally, opportunity came knocking and he bought a business in Kennywood and named it Diamond Embroidery. Jenny took enough small classes on the side to teach piano lessons and taught all of her kids. When they made the move to Kennywood in 2001, Jenny started teaching lessons to many people.

Jenny only saw her parents three times since she moved out at 17 and has not kept in contact. Through word of mouth she has learned that they both died in a car accident. She does not know if this is true or not though because she has also heard that they still live in Electric Beach and spend their days sailing the seas. At this time there is still no contact between them. However contact with Elko's parents still remains very strong.

At this time 5 of Jenny's children are in college. Three are married and one is engaged and almost married. So far Elko and Jenny have one grandchild on the way. :-)

Jenny has had a very rough life but finally has found peace and happiness through her husband and wonderful family.

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