Birthday: October 22, 1978
Nationality: Ranian
Birth City: Nialli, Catarika
Bloodline: Sorela
Current City: Au Resa, Iri Rani
Title: Council Advisor
Fast Facts:
- Mikai Sorela was named after Mera Visi. His father, a Jadali historical scholar, had a dream similar to Trevin Loreloch's and named his son in a similar way. Mikai is Catin for "man of a vision" and Visi is Keòen for "of vision."
- He the only child of Iano Sorela and Ashlavani Gesla. They had tried for years to have a child but never had one so they both dove deep into their history studies. Mikai was first seen in a dream and was then born about 8 months later.
- Growing up, he was always immersed in history. He enjoyed it very much and often joked that he was born into the right family for that.
- Even though he was born in Catarika, his parents had moved there from Iri Rani to teach at the Nialli Historical Institute, a new branch of the Orelie Historical Institute. Therefore, Mikai was actually considered a citizen of Iri Rani.
- His parents immediately noticed Mikai's ability to forgo sleep and after they both dreamed that he was a Man of Osai they immediately took him not to the town Aikada but to Auhari Res, who they knew well since they were familiar with all the Osanokai of the time. Auhari had been told of Osai that he would discover a Man of Osai and knew in his heart that the time had come. Sure enough, when he looked into the eyes of then 2-year-old Mikai Sorela their eyes both glowed with that ring.
- His parents were beyond floored that they, of all people, would have a son with a great Catin gift! They did not promote this fact loudly but instead took the time to learn even more about Osai Naori and were so happy to be able to witness it firsthand.
- Mikai grew up knowing many profound things about his life, including the fact that he would live and work in Iri Rani.
- As much as he loved history, he did not want to study it since he knew so much already so he decided to use his knowledge and join the royal government. Getting much advice from Drakon Visai, he moved to Iri Rani after he graduated in 1997 and went to college to pursue History with an emphasis in Government.
- Once in college he met his wife, Aumuri Mio, and they were married in 1999. They have two children- Yarran Sorela (2001) and Mirikeli Sorela (2004).
- He earned his PhD in 2006 and was elected as Council Advisor of the Iri Ranian Royal Court. He is currently serving in this seat although he foresees himself rising in ranks in the coming years and will likely become the president of Iri Rani.
Mikai Sorela is a man of great power who looks strikingly similar to the man his name portrays. He stands tall, his dark eyes shadowed by his dark brow. His hair is a little longer and he has a soft smile. He is pretty quiet and somewhat mysterious but his ability to foresee many things has proved very valuable and useful to the country of Iri Rani as a whole. He loves everyone he works with and though quiet once he gets started on a topic of history he could go on for hours, the whole time captivating, and then conclude by relating everything to a once seemingly tiny thing. He is a master of this and is very beloved in his country.
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