24 December, 2011

Who is Lunfort?

Most of the things I write are things that are already set, or mostly set, in my mind. The things that aren't circulate inside my endless mind, waiting until another piece of the puzzle is written or discovered further down the line. Usually, my inspiration comes in a dream or through an experience and then things fall into place.

Right now I'm stuck on a big idea that seems, right now, to be floating in blackness, not really connecting to anything. In typical RCT fashion, I go about naming random peeps that I want to track throughout the park and I always write them down, conducting various experiments (usually to see how long guests of a certain energy level or ride preference "survive" inside a mature park). While at the time the names seem something of little interest, when I look back at them they suddenly take on greater form. This has happened with a guy that I randomly tagged who I named Daniel Lunfort.

I have certain go-to names for different situations and one random one in particular for RCT involves guests who are, fortunately or unfortunately, wearing a tan shirt and tan pants. Combined with the skin tone that every RCT peep has, this unfortunate choice of clothing makes the guess look.... naked. This was a special circumstance (though it's way more common in RCT2) and, for whatever reason, the go-to name for these special guests is Daniel. One walked into my park when I happened to be tagging people so he got a quick name and off he went.

A few days later, the name on paper stood out at me, loudly screaming that there was a story underneath that name. So far, the name Lunfort has become a crest of interest and I've used it twice already in other RCT parks. I made a park that had an extensive train system and named one of the tracks the Lunfort track, so I know there's one of those somewhere in Kiillaana. In another, I called the whole park County Lunfort in an effort to try and build a city, though it ended up veering off from my original vision so it hasn't shed too much light on it yet.

All I know right now about Lunfort is that it's a really strong crest somewhere in the Tensk-Kiishla region. Daniel Lunfort is a Terabikai and the more I thought about it the idea that this is a line of Terabikai took root. This would be very odd and interesting, as Terabi doesn't choose his men by family, and hardly any Terabikai is directly related to another. I don't really know any more than this right now so it will be fun to see what becomes of this in the upcoming times.

For now, here are some questions that will eventually be answered:

  • What is so special about Daniel Lunfort? (He's listed as a cursethrower for his claim to fame)
  • How closely related are the Terabikai in the Lunfort line? One per generation, one per 100 years? Straight line (grandfather, son) or indirect (uncles, cousins)?
  • What has made their line so favored by Terabi?
  • When did this start?
  • Where does the Lunfort line originate?
  • How big is this line? (It's pretty big)
  • Do these men have any other special abilities that unify them?
  • What is the Lunfort crest known for?
  • Is their weapon the same?

Just some things to think about. It'll all fall into place soon!

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