26 February, 2012

Burnin' Wood: A New Guy

Once again, a new guy is born from a dream! Here is an excerpt of my dream from this morning:

"Finally, in the last few seconds before I woke up, I spotted a couple of figures standing in the aisle up in the northeast corner. There were two boys standing there (and maybe a girl standing behind them, not sure). The guy on the left was standing all rebel-like or whatever, his legs apart and his arms crossed, and was very punked out but in a tame way (like Seth from Beethoven 2nd). The guy on the right I got a very good glimpse of and I won't forget it. He had on a black t-shirt with some skulls on it and pants that were either black jeans, dark plaid pants, or some dark jeans and his hair was short, rusty-colored, and quite curly and wiry. He too was standing as if to say "look at me, I'm so cool!" but there was something very different about him. His left leg was shorter than his right and was bent in some twisted up angle and he was leaning on black forearm crutches. Leave it to me to dream of handicapped people being normal!"

Read the whole thing here! It's really good!

With this very strong image in mind, I had to find his name. I spent most of yesterday coming up with more Newcomers not only in 2012 but also 2013 and even into 2014 because I cannot be stopped from making my lists! I decided to make a page of all the really good chamber groups that the CHARMing Five would come into contact with, for when I get enough ideas to further the Lochgren Series. I gave them all silly names too, because all small groups need a cool name like ILEN or CHARMing Five! I decided that Severin and Nathan's quintet is called /1992/ and was trying to think of some more when the silly name of "Wood's Winds" came to mind. It won't be for a very long time but included a couple girls that I know will be on the scene in a few years. I have this big bank of names that I like and want to pick for future peeps and had picked out the name Vernon to be put somewhere. I thought, "Why not Vernon Wood?" and put him as the clarinet player and leader of that particular woodwind quintet.

When I had this dream, I was really excited to write this crystal clear figure down on paper! I'd also get the chance to figure out who he was and what his name would be. As I sat there sketching him, the name Vernon Wood popped into my mind. I hadn't pictured Vernon as someone who was differently abled, and certainly not as a punk, but that name was the only one that came to mind and it was loud! All right, I guess both of the people I've brought onto the scene that are punks have names that are "vintage" and that would definitely not being punk to mind! First it was Murray and now Vernon! So funny!

So anyway, with a name connected to his being, it's time to get him on the maps! First, where is he from? Since I'm under the impression that the store in my dream is a local place I've written about casually in the Lochgren Series I figured that Vernon must be local. I had to pick a school for him to go and decided to ask the help of my Runescape friends to choose for me. I listed all of the local schools around here (here being Kennywood University) and asked them to pick one. Elias was all over it and considered his thoughts on each one (Lionel, Pathreeah West, Clifford, Brassington, and Kennywod) before choosing Lionel. Haha, nice! The school I went to! That means he went to school with a bunch of the 2012 Newcomers (Janessa Diamond, Cardo Gibson, Henrietta Kribana, and Terilyn Oakes at the very least). All four of them live on the same street (oops lolol) so I'm determined to have him come from somewhere else. Maybe he lives on one of the major neighborhood roads like Kajil (Eric Latham and Rodney Savage lived on it) or Obbinorsisch "Hoppin Horses" (producing Harrison, Augustus, and Harper Kye and their families). The more I think about it, the more I think it's Obbinorsisch. That might matter, but probably not.

Anyway, after seeing his hair, I know right away he's Lisjovalan. Maybe not fully, but enough to get that trademark curly/wiry hair that Eagle Rivers and Carey Nihael have. He looks different from anyone I've ever drawn and... although he looks really ruffntuff with his 90's punk appearance, he's really nice and is a total band geek. According to the list, which came before his appearance, he plays clarinet. I haven't decided what exactly is wrong with his legs yet but he definitely can't walk on them. I don't think he even uses wheels. I think it's all crutches. My thoughts are his right leg works enough to not make walking that much of a challenge. I'm thinking his personality makes his crutches and bum legs easy to overlook or forget, which is a good thing. He's less hardened than my first glance of him impressed and probably "just really likes black."

I'm pretty sure there was a girl standing behind him that was his girlfriend so I need to go figure her out too. She might be one of the girls in his woodwind quintet but she might not. I have 3 years to figure it out. XD

Oh, and of course, his nickname is Burnin Wood. How can it not be?? XD

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