26 September, 2008

First Post!

OK I got a blog. It's time for that infamous first post: Who am I? Well, V. Richlin is my alias name. The V is all that's left of my once favorite created name, Vifiale (which is pronounced vee-fee-alley). Richlin was one of my best friend's last names in elementary school. Vifiale Richlin has long since gone out of use but V Richlin survived and that is now how I sign my artwork. Yes, that's right. I draw. A lot. I have my own world in fact. There are places and there are people. There is folklore and there is an explanation for everything.

There are so many people. I draw them out. They each have their own personality. Some I draw often and some not so much. I also draw places. Bedrooms, floorplans, kitchens, scenery, I draw them all. I'm somewhat of an amateur but I think my drawings turn out good.

So I sign them V. Richlin and date them. That way I know when I made them. I have many mini notebooks filled with drawings and facts about my world.

Now, in the words of the Catin tongue, Isvari ni ki'n istui! In plain English, Welcome to my world!


Jessica said...

I am so excited to be the first one to post on your blog!! What an honor. Can I link your blog on my blog?

When you talked about the people you draw and their personalities, it reminded me of Harriet the Spy when she would create her "town" and all the characters in it. I wish I could draw.

The Braunsey Blog said...

Hey Jhhuuulia! Nice blog! I love that you are so indepth with everything. Plus, I'm glad that I was able to find your blog...ha ha!