11 November, 2008

I Leave Nothing Untouched

It's true. A world comes with everything. Not only do I create the people, but on a much larger scale I have the countries, races, history of the countries, specialties unique to my world, and miscellaneous things.

The people is an ongoing process of creating, developing, editing, finalizing, and so forth. Some things have a lot of flexibility and some don't. I decide when to change things and when I can't. Sometimes, well, most of the time, something in the real world will inspire me to change something. On some occasions, I'll have a dream so specific that I can't leave it unnoticed.

Countries are slower, but also ongoing. So far, of the fifteen or so countries I have, only three are written down with major cities. If you're wondering, they're Kiillaana, Catarika, and Morley Atoll. The others have basic shapes but few definitive cities. I currently have full history for Catarika and Rakia, and partial history for Morley Atoll and Kiillaana. The races are all defined and I'm surprised at how many people out there fit them. Many people I meet are one feature off. I know what all of the languages sound like, but actually making words is very hard. Catin is easy, because it's the oldest and I had the most time to think about it. It's always ongoing.

My world is different which means there are unique things that happen. There was a certain race that could change into animals at one point, there were such things as magical and powerful wizards ans such, and dragons used to exist. Probably one of the most unique things is the magical gifts that chosen people display. I have two solid major examples: The Gift of Osai and the Strength of Terabi. Both give the chosen people extreme power in certain areas. There are smaller powers too like the gifts of foresight, complete understanding, and the ability to read thoughts or true intent, but these are also in the real world to some extent. There are many more that I can't remember but trust me, they're there. Every person I create has at least one special power that few have alongside with them. Certain family lines also have a tendency to have similar talents, like how the Kribana Family is known for their musical talents.

There are also several unique things I expand on. Again, I leave nothing untouched. One of my favorite things that I have ever come up with is the Landon Foundation. I'll explain it below because I love it so much and it's completely based off of real ideas and actions.

Karl and Revlie Landon were unable to have children. However, they both loved children dearly and had a gift for working with the disabled. They both had very large inheritances and were well-known in the community. It all started with a picture of a little girl. The young but stable couple turned to adoption. They were looking through the pictures of children who needed a home when they came across a picture of a very young girl of about three months. She was small but had very large, captivating eyes. Her right arm was quite a bit shorter than her left arm and only had three fingers on it. Her left arm had no thumb. Her left leg had a club foot and her right leg ended at the knee with a poorly-formed foot. She had a tube in her side to eat through because she had a cleft palate so wide that she couldn't get any food down. It all came up her nose when she tried to eat. I sketched this picture out and it was obvious that she was a young Tellish girl. I gave her the Tellish name of Tai Vek Hsi and she came with a story.

When Karl and Revlie saw this picture, they fell in love with her and found their purpose. They would build a mansion and adopt children who needed extensive medical treatment and have total and perfect care for them. The Landon Foundation was born. This little girl was adopted and after several surgeries is a normal girl with a relatively normal life embarking on her first year of college. The Landons named their kids with a Kiillaanian first name and kept their full name as their middle name. Thus, this first, and this poster child, became the Rebecca Landon everyone knows and loves today.

About 75% of the Landon children are from Taigana and the rest are from the other countries. The Landons speak fluent Tellish and what's interesting is neither Karl nor Revlie are Tellish. I know that real adoption agencies like this exist, because I based this off of them. It's a wonderful thing and I have a lot of respect for people that can adopt so many diverse children and deal with all of their special needs at once. I am not sure how many kids the Landon family has adopted but it's got to be at least 20 by now.

So anyways there you have it. I really do leave nothing untouched.

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