12 August, 2010


Hello all!

Well a lot of things have happened since I last wrote so I guess I'd better catch everyone up!

First of all, we're all moved into our new house! Like I said, Eric and I, along with Avicile and Rebecca, decided to build a duplex in the new neighborhood up north. Well it was finally all ready to go and we have officially moved in and gotten everything unpacked. It's so nice to have a place for everything! We've been hanging out a lot in the combined living room that overlooks our very large backyard and have had many guests over. Our first big concert is scheduled for this Saturday so I'm excited! Our stage outside is all built thanks to the wonderful hands of several friends and we cannot thank them enough.

As for me I am doing very well as of recent. I have finished a couple online classes as well as some training at work and I can now set up equipment quite easily and get it all squared away. I have moved a step closer to a master sound technician which is always good news. I really can't wait to take a class this fall that will teach me how to edit recordings and manage sound inputs to make the best recordings. Man, I feel like Harper almost! He's off in Kaytue learning the same thing! I am still playing trumpet and love it a lot and things are really rolling forward in my performance and business degrees. I am once again a marching band section leader as well as regular band section leader which I have really enjoyed. I can't wait to meet our new people! One of them is Eric's little brother and I am very excited! Less than a week till marching band starts up!

As for Avicile she is also doing very well. She is really enjoying watching Sterling grow before our eyes, as am I. :) She is going to take just a few online classes and one on-campus class with me. She has enjoyed making friends and going out to activities with the members of "Club Spicy" which consists of people in the music program who have kids. They do activities together and of course playdates which is very nice for those who want to take some classes on campus. A lot of the kids are the same age and it's been fun to give each other an hour or so here and there to do things. She is also now 17 weeks pregnant and feels great. She had a little morning sickness but not too bad this go around! She is almost showing a little bit too. Everything is going well and the baby is healthy. Other than that she's been helping around the house and doing fun things.

Now here is an update you've all been waiting for. Sterling is now 7.5 months old! Wow! Boy does time go fast! He is up and crawling around now and loves to chatter! Recently he has starting to reach for furniture and try to walk around! He is still a very easy baby who is content to go with the flow. We wonder what he'll be like as a teen! :) He really loves any sort of toy that makes noise and has loved to be out in the grass on a blanket. He gets a lot of loving from his parents and Eric & Rebecca. We've decided to refer to them as aunt and uncle since we're so close we're almost brothers and all 4 of us are very close. Sterling also loves to go out and about and for the most part is a content and quiet baby but we've had a few mishaps, everybody does! :P Right now we're working on teaching him about being a big brother and with a lot of babies coming through our doors we're helping to transition him into life with a brother or sister. So far he is very social and loves to interact with the other babies and tries to go where they go. There are several around his age and with Rasmus & Melissa's son getting released from the hospital the two of them learn from each other and love to wave and talk back and forth. So cute!

As for Eric he is as good as ever. He loves this new house and has been writing songs for the band like crazy. He also loves Sterling's company and is an awesome uncle. He will be a junior with me and has been practicing his singing and trumpet playing. He too is a music business major and is being interviewed soon for a more "quiet" position up in the works of Kennywood Playground which will hopefully help him climb the ranks to his main goal of becoming a music coordinator for the park. If he gets this job he will schedule upcoming events and help arrange music throughout the park. How cool! He too is excited for school this fall and can't wait to hop right back into the swing of things and get going in marching band.

As for Rebecca she too is amazing. She traveled earlier this summer to a conference to discuss prosthetics and thing and learned a lot. Now that she is back she has been enjoying spending time with her parents and little brother, her big family, and of course Eric. They have been playing sports at the nearby gym and have been having fun on dates at Kennywood Playground. She is very content with her job as a ticket cashier and arcade lady (odd that the job contains both of these positions) and plans to keep it as long as she can, for it is very easy to go part-time when they decide to have kids. She too is ready for school to start and can't wait to hop into band. :)

Whew! I guess that's everything! In random news from my family my youngest brother is in the 6th grade now. No more elementary school! Also, my mom is going back to school now and actually has been for some time now that all of us are old enough to not need her all day. She really wants to be a teacher and teach elementary school. A bit different from her music degree but I think that's very cool! Oh and my brother Dagon got a job at KP as a tick cashier! Woohoo for him! His dream is to operate rides in the park. So glad he's on his way!

I can't wait to share more as it happens!


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