12 August, 2010

Robin and Ada Coulter Welcome Baby Girl!

Hello all, this is Robin here. Sorry it's been SO LONG since I updated my blog... I keep putting it off and then things got really hectic around here!

Yes we did it. We bought a small area of land in the new Greenhill subdivision and build a house. It was really emotional for both of us because... it's our very first house. I have never lived in a house, always an apartment. We were looking for a house when I was very young but then my dad died of cancer and so we moved across the country and moved into an apartment next to the grandparents and lived there until I moved out and then of course I lived in an apartment here while I was going to school. Ada's parents are both from Raellia and an apartment was just what they needed and wanted so Ada has always lived in an apartment too.

It's all finished and ready! Oh it's so nice! Nothing too big and total Raellian style inside. It has a girl's room and boy's room and a nice master suite for us plus a unique split bathroom if we go have a boy and a girl. It of course has a huge game room for the nerd parties that we hold, being the geeks that we are. We moved in right in the middle of July and gave my previous apartment to my brother John who has moved out here with me. We have a yard here and it's so weird to actually own a home. Milton and Chandler of course love the yard. Ha ha.

OK so anyway those who know us know that I fell in love and was married within about 5 months, yes? And it's been a joke that everyone knows but yes Ada became pregnant on our wedding night. Well we've been gaming away when about a week ago preterm labor started happening. Oh crap! Luckily it wasn't bad enough to really do anything about so we went back to our gaming and she was instructed to take it easy. lol.

Well fast forward to Tuesday night when things started back up and pretty hard. We didn't really know what to do but had out suitcases ready just in case. Well... fast forward some more and after trying to take her mind off it things suddenly jumped into full gear. She was having this baby! We got to the hospital expecting to be sent home but no they admitted her. Whoa whoa I was going to be a father! It hadn't hit me yet but it hit me! Over the next few hours things were going even more and then at 9:49pm on August 11, 2010, she was born.

It's a girl! A girl!! Lovely black hair and beautiful Raellian eyes! She definitely looks all Raellian! We thought we had her name picked out but we decided to change her middle name, yes, to compliment Ada's avatar. It was just the right thing and it flows so well! So please welcome

Maryalice Reba Coulter

born August 11, 2010! She is beautiful. I can't stop smiling. I got to hold her first and I can't believe I am a father. I'm a daddy! John was there as well as my grandparents and my dad's dad and of course Ada's family was all there. She arrives 3 weeks early but looks to be just fine. She was put in a special bed with some oxygen but we think she should be good to come home by the end of the week. So special!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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