21 August, 2010

The History of Jadali

Terabi and Osai, the two most known Catin lesser gods, have historically had a great friendship. It is not known what relation they are but many scholars say they are cousins. The times that they were alive on Catarika parallels for many, many years and they often got together to speak of matters of both the country and their powers which they had.

Much later, after Osai's carnal state was long gone from Catarika and Terabi was only in the world when he chose to leave his kingdom, they collaborated together. There was a beautiful island to the northeast, one with a barrier placed on it by the highest god Jinjo so that it was inhabitable by all who tried to live there. This island was no small island- in fact it was about half the size of Catarika. To the very north was a quiet coast followed by several hundred miles of mountains which scraped the sky. South of that was a massive forest which swept to the east in beautiful, green, rolling hills and pastures and swept to the west in more open fields and sandy coast. The very southeast part of the island was quite rocky and the coastline was steep and jagged. A great river ran southward through the mountains and forest and flowed southeast out at this jagged coast. Many small creeks flowed off of it and a variety of herbs and plants grew abundantly all over the island. Many minerals and animals were scattered about. It was very picturesque and untouched from its creation.

Terabi and Osai both often would visit this place and sit atop the jagged, black cliffs and talk. Finally, after much time had passed and the perfect time came upon them, Jinjo granted them this land as a gift. He instructed them to use it as they wish for the good which they both had burning in them. They were very happy and had chosen long ago to use this land as a safe haven and to represent their friendship as well as to represent the alliance of Catarika and Kiillaana.

They spent many years making plans and waiting for the right people to come along. When that time arrived, the barrier was lifted and Terabi went to the Kiillaanian capital of Tensk, which was under the rule of King Bedan and Dragon-Dodger, and explained to them through his means what would happen. Osai and Terabi then individually visited 13 people- 6 young married couples and one bestowed with Osai Naori, instructing them that they were to unite together and travel northeastward until they arrived at the village of fair-weather, Taleah, which they were to found and begin. They were supported by the King and were given many horses and the necessary tools to travel to this place. They began their journey humbly and without great fanfare and over the course of 3 months traveled east to the coast and then followed it up ever northward, up into lands unknown yet to the settlers. After the time of 3 months they arrived in the place that Terabi had told them to go and there waiting were some lodges and other buildings.

Once they had settled there, in this city called Taleah, Terabi and Osai came and made known to them that they were to build a ship to carry them all and their horses and supplies across the 12 miles of the Cayan Ocean to an expansive island of mountains, green hills, and rocky coast which was called by Osai and Terabi as Jadali. They were guided as they did this and after the span of 3 months their ship was ready and they sailed eastward for the span of three days and came ashore on a place they later built and named Leena Eithre-Resa (The Great Port of Leena).

Terabi appeared and greeted all of them individually again. He smiled and was full of joy at their safe arrival and at their willingness and excitement to be the founders of this great nation. He had chosen them all by their talents in many fields and instructed them in many things. The six couples were to multiply and fill the lands and pass on their talents and the man with Osai Naori was to be their ruler in all things. He was bestowed and given the title of Eldin of Leenai. Osai promised them that they would always have a man with Osai Naori to lead them, for he loved them.

Osai and Terabi both went to them one by one and transfigured them into the Jadali race, which was a pure representation of the alliance of Catarika and Kiillaana as well as the unity and harmony of Terabi and Osai. They were individually renamed and a new branch of the Kiillra and Catin languages melded together and filled their minds, which was called Keoen. Their right eye became blue which represented the Kiillra race and the traits of judgment, logic, and will. Their left eye became brown which represented the Catin race and the traits of intuition, vision, and creation. Their appearances took on a new look, with traits of both races melded together so perfectly in the vision of Osai and Terabi that it did not look like any race that was yet on the world.

The names of the original 13, whose names did become the seven provinces and pure family crests of Jadali, were known as the following:

Henàl & Tania Balthòr

Kalo & Aranel Hieldin

Saldin & Iria Lochmont

Barthàl & Akèli Lochgren

Viervan & Sofia Ardin

Eahron & Nathàli Montàlo

Isiador Freloch, Eldin of Leena

These 13 went out and called their land Jadali, an ancient Catin word meaning "Hybrid; of more than one source." They called their capital Leena, meaning beautiful. They started with every gift of the land until they could multiply through the ages. On the 13th day, when their first homes were built, Osai and Terabi appeared and they were pleased. Osai again told the people of his love for them and always promised one of his men to lead them. Osai and Terabi instructed them with their construction knowledge to build their fortress on the rocky southeast shore. This they did and when it was finished many years later they named it Dahsir Castle, meaning "of peaceful aura" and it was a beautiful sight to all those who sailed by in the years to follow.

As time went on, they multiplied greatly and began to move northward up and over the mountains. The province of Freloch was established all around Dahsir Castle and the main town Leena and over time many buildings arose and worked in harmony. The province of Lochmont stretched over the eastern coastal farmland all the way up to the midway of the major forest that covered most of the land. Lochgren stretched along the southern and western coast up to the forest and Balthòr covered the rest of the forest along the western coast and across the mountains. Montàlo stretched along the western mountains and Hieldin across the east, and finally Ardin stretched along the quiet coast to the north.

Map of Jadali

They were not isolated by any means and traveled freely around the island, whether by taking horses over the passes or taking a boat from north to south or south to north along the rivers and ocean. Several times a year the elect of their province would meet together at Dahsir Castle to talk and discuss. The people were merry and were described as "Tarralan," the forest-people or Elves.

Being so strong in the power of Terabi, the Curse of the Realm was also let loose on Jadali. This was so that balance could be maintained and the people would not fall too far one way or the other. The presence of Osai and Terabi is felt strongly and often and many festivals unique to the country are held annually.

Today it remains as it was almost 1,000 years ago when it was first inhabited. There are a couple million full-blooded Jadali-Kiillra living on the island today (as well as plenty of non-pure and other races) and several more living in various places in Kiillaana and Catarika. There are only a few officially Keòen-speaking cities in Kiillaana and Catarika, the most famous ones being most of the coast of New Asia, Dahhod in the state of New Gypsy (and its suburb, Yofreya), and Andaradd, north of Rihanu in Catarika. The people have retained their traditional appearance, language, and culture which is very different from the modern-day cities of Kiillaana nearby. The people of Jadali have rejected industrialism and electricity, making everything by hand. Craftsmanship and community are highly prized and treasured by the Jadali-Kiillra and they have no plans to ever change.

There is much more to write, but that is all for now.

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