17 November, 2010

Through the Eyes of Jeffrey Peak [The Eye]

Since so many people who saw me in the hall are in class with me now, and I get asked this a lot now, I thought I would tell the story.

Yes, I did have a massive black eye in April. Yes, I did go to school anyway. Yes, it really healed in a week. Yes, the guy who punched me was Kyle. Yes, he was high. Yes, he almost died. Yes, I was worried. Yes, as much as I am upset with the bad choices he is allowing himself to make I would save him again in a heartbeat.

It was a typical evening, back before I was working. I was finishing up my sophomore year and was hanging out with Michaela and some friends from the neighborhood. I wasn't dating Michaela yet, because I wasn't 16 quite yet, but everyone knew that we practically were anyway. Jeremy, Boyd, and Arturo were at home doing homework and Kyle was out with Rico and that group. The night was winding down and it was about 8 or 9 at night, on a day later in the week. I guess I could go look, but it's not really that important.

Kyle had been doing really stupid things lately and, us being frustrated, decided not to let him in the house when he was high. The last time we did that was when he got completely trashed over Full Moon Festival and it was a pain. Luckily he toned it down and spent high nights couch hopping.

Sure enough at just about sunset that awful car with its blaring music came speeding down the road and Kyle was pretty much pushed off to the curb. As he got out an image suddenly flashed in my mind that he was not only completely high but also on a very violent trip, something he rarely experiences. Kyle usually goes on silly trips or is just silent so this was a new thing for us. He got up and staggered over to the front door where Jeremy and Boyd were waiting. Me and the friends I was with were over at my house, hiding behind my front door.

OK for those who haven't been to my house, my dad owns the house next door to ours as well and rents it out to college kids. My brother lives there with Kyle and 2 other friends (Boyd and Arturo). We're at two separate houses here. Just to be clear.

I watched as Kyle staggered up to them and they started talking. Eventually Kyle started trying to go inside but Jeremy told him no and that he would let him in when he wasn't high. I got another flash of insight and realized that this would likely not end well and got a sick feeling in my stomach. I realized that Kyle was much higher than we thought. Kyle tried to force his way in but Jeremy quickly pushed him away, shut the door in his face, and locked it. Kyle, being totally high, could think of nothing to do but start screaming with this eerie, foreign voice that seemed to possess him and began kicking and clawing wildly at the door, shouting for them to open it for he was cold/hungry/tired/desperate/whatever.

Jeremy and Boyd escaped out the back door and ran across the yard to my room which has a door leading in. I met with them and they quickly ran out front with the rest of us and Arturo soon followed. The large group of us plus my parents were gathered around the house watching Kyle as whatever drugs were in his body turned him into a scary being. Jeremy didn't know what to do to contain him but we all realized that the ambulance would definitely need to be called on this one. I realized that the only thing we could do was tie him up to restrain him from himself and us.

I got another flash of insight and ran straight for the rope. "Help me hold him down but be careful!" I shouted at Jeremy. I pointed at Michaela and told her to call an ambulance. By now Kyle was completely inconsolable and more violent than we had ever seen him capable of being. I took a deep breath, took the rope, and ran up to Kyle, my heard racing wildly. I tackled him and began to grab his flailing arms in preparation of trying them. Being a Man of Osai, I was much stronger than he was and had very fast reflexes. The whole time Kyle was screaming but it had now ceased to make sense. I had just gotten the rope around his left wrist and was getting ready to forge his hands together when my hand slipped and he broke free.

I saw it coming before it happened. It truly was slow motion. He flipped over and I saw his fists come to my face. I grabbed his left hand in time but his right one came out of nowhere and hit me square in my right eye. The force was impressive. I felt my world jolt as my head hit the grass but felt no pain. He hit me a second time, landing just below my right eye and cutting it open. I could feel warm blood beginning to spill freely. As I was reaching my left and dominant arm over to grab his right arm he swung and landed on me a third time, this one nailing the corner of my eye and bridge of my nose.

I quickly scrambled away faster than he could swing again. I had Osai's power on my side and managed to stand with lightning speed. I could hear Michaela screaming my name and everyone screaming and I could now feel blood begin to pour out my nose. I looked at him and his weak points became apparent and with a scream of war I dove upon him, the rope in my hands, and with amazing speed had secured his left wrist behind his back. I yelled at Jeremy to go for his legs but to be careful. As he began to secure his legs I jerked the rope around and caught his right wrist, knotting it tightly. After that was gone I took the longer end of it and secured his elbows together to be sure he could not punch me from behind. Jeremy had his own piece of rope and we managed to wrestle his kicking legs down and tie them.

Finally, it was over and he was bound. As I looked at his pathetic form I yelled my disgust and pushed him over from his belly to his side. It wasn't until then that the intense pain began radiating from my eye. I stood up and stepped back, gasping in pain, my face cringing. I could begin to see white circles forming in my field of vision and thought I might actually lose consciousness. Michaela ran to me screaming and took hold of me. I regained my balance and awareness and stumbled over to where the ambulance had arrived. As the paramedics stepped out I told them what was going on, including the drug he was high on and a warning not to untie him until restraints were in place. They of course noticed my bloody face and noticed my right eye already beginning to swell from the blood underneath it. I told them I'd meet them at the ER and after receiving some ice got in my dad's car with him, my mom, Jeremy, and Michaela.

Upon arriving I learned that halfway to the hospital Kyle had suddenly fallen into the deep void- as if he was suffering from the effects of taking MW and Green at the same time. They had managed to get an IV in and recognized this and were able to deliver a powerful blocker just in time. He arrived in critical condition as his heart spiraled out of control. I was led to a room where they did x rays and determined that I did not have any broken bones, just a very bloody black eye that would be enormous based on the amount of blood that was pouring from my face and the swelling which was already taking place. I assured them that I was a Man of Osai and that I would be fully healed in about a week and was much more concerned with Kyle.

A little while later I learned that not only did he have the drug that made him so violent, but he did indeed have the two incompatible drugs in his body as well. MW and Green taken together has a 98% chance of death. The only exceptions are if an anti is administered in time or, in Kyle's case, he had just the right balance of however many drugs in his body which lessen or stall the effects of this lethal combination. It was a very rough few days. Kyle was in critical condition- a constant stream of the anti drug running through his veins to combat the effects. Miraculously, only 3 days later, he had completely recovered and was released.

They told me that my black eye would be very bad and that I should probably get lots of rest so I returned home and went to bed for 3 hours. I actually laid down, in a bed. I woke up at about 5, looked at myself in the mirror, was totally shocked by the state of my eye, showered, washed all the blood off, got dressed, and went off to school. It was probably not the best idea, for I was exceedingly worried about Kyle, and my right eye was so swollen and black that it was literally not even visible in the slightest. My left eye had some swelling and a bruise along the bottom but I could still see so off I went, as quiet as ever, with this giant facial injury.

I was very upset and angry at Kyle for losing his judgment and getting high in the car on the way home. I found out later he had taken MW very early that night but it had mostly worn off so he took Green and who knows what else. It almost killed him. Even more, I knew in my heart he wouldn't change and would just go back to doing it again. I looked quite comical, with my scowling face and a huge black eye. That's just how I work.

Sure enough my eye did heal in a little more than a week. I could feel the Gift of Osai at work and I was able to open it by Saturday. When Kyle got home from the hospital he saw pictures and of course saw my still black eye and broke down crying, saying he was sorry that he ever hurt me. I knew he was serious. He would never lay a hand on me sober. I of course had a thing or two to say, but I would always do it again in a heartbeat. I cannot ignore Osai telling me that it is so. If it was just up to me I would have left him for the streets but I have too much compassion on him.

Kyle toned it down for a while after that but of course he is still doing the same old tricks. I hadn't seen him since this year's Full Moon Festival (last week of October) but finally this morning got a call from him. He got arrested for being at an illegal party where illegal drugs were present and a fight broke out. He gets out Friday, so at least I know where he is until then. It's just another day in my life as a Man of Osai...

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