10 March, 2012

Spotlight on: Vernon Wood

Full Name: Vernon Douglas Wood
Birthday: February 26, 1996
Method of Creation: #2- I saw him in his entirety in a dream! I had a name planned out and realized that he was to take it.

Creation Story:
I've already posted his creation story over HERE. :-) Now that I have a better grip on who he is I can write a thing or two about him!

A Short Bio:

Vernon is the first child and only son of Samuel and Anya Wood and was born in Landson, Vetonia. They knew of his clubbed feet before he was born and he had a team of doctors waiting. When he was born, however, they found his club feet to be just one of many problems with his legs. They also learned that both of his hips were dislocated and that his knees had a very limited range of motion, especially his left. He was diagnosed with AMC and casting was begun on his feet and knees to get them to straighten out.

As he aged, Vernon learned to drag his bent legs around and was determined to walk despite his dislocated hips. He began using crutches from a very young age and after his hip/ankle surgery at the age of 3 his right leg was 90% operational, apart from some muscle weakness (he can't lift his leg very high or fully straighten it). He began walking with forearm crutches shortly after and never looked back. His left leg has proven to be much harder to work with and he had a choice whether to make it permanently bent or straight. He chose for it to be permanently bent which has caused it not to touch the ground and appear twisted because of his shallow hip socket and lack of weight bearing. He can move it and has full feeling of it but it isn't very functional, just for balance.

The first picture of Vernon, like how I saw him in my dream.

Vernon has a fun-loving and friendly personality which has caused him to have no trouble finding friends. Most people even forget that he walks with crutches or is even disabled. He has a kind heart and a soft smile and goes out of his way to make everyone feel included. He knows and remembers the names of everyone he meets and loves nothing more than making people laugh. He grew up in Vetonia until he was 9 when his dad was transferred to Pathreeah to work as an orthopedic radiologist and surgeon. Vernon now lives in Kennywood with his parents and two younger sisters, Lexidora and Caitlin.

Vernon attends Lionel High School where he is a total band geek. He plays the clarinet and spends the marching season practicing and being a "visuals director." He wears a sort of punk style- black tshirts and plaid shorts with chucks a lot of the time, along with the punk accessories that accentuate his love for skulls, silver, and looking "hardcore." He works at the KSC in a popular teen store for people like him that want to dress in bright colors and zany outfits. Friends visit him often and he loves to work with people. His dream is to become a musician and is thinking of majoring in either performance or composition.

My favorite picture of Vernon.

Five Fun Facts
1. Vernon is Lisjovalan by race. The hair really testifies to that!
2. Vernon's leg braces are black with white skulls, of course. XD
3. Even though he looks tough and intimidating, he is very kind and wouldn't hurt a fly.
4. Growing up with two sisters, he knows a ton about fashion and how to treat women appropriately.
5. Since his right leg is mostly normal, he is able to drive and owns a car.

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