10 April, 2012

A Terabikai Called Rhasìr

A Spotlight with a new name!

Full Name: Rhasìr San Isao Montàlo
Birthday: June 9, 1988
Method of Creation: #2- he's based off of a collection of sources!

Creation Story:
It all started when I looked at the list of Terabikai and realized that I had just one in Jadali. Whoops, that's got to change, especially since there are more Terabikai in Jadali (population wise) than anywhere else. I had to give some Terabian souls younger than Sorela fresh life and surely enough new auras formed and took shape. Little bits and details of his personality came about first followed by his looks.

Since I'm in geology right now, naturally Rhasìr is a geologist. He's very loosely based off my professor in the fact that he is outgoing and loves rocks... and has a young daughter. Other than that he's kind of his own guy. The first thing that came to me, besides his name (which I've apparently used more than once already as a Catin name- who knew!), was the fact that he hates shoes. When I say he hates shoes I mean he kicks those suckers off within minutes of them going on. His feet are very tough and he needs wants the feeling of his sole on the ground. This is especially odd considering he is from Rengoll, which lies in the glacier-carved valleys of Montàlo (translation: he lives in the mountains and it looks like the Alps). When he's busy climbing jagged or gravely terrain so that he can chart the faults and layers of the beautiful gray stone that Jadali is so famous for, he ties strips of canvas around his heels for good measure, unaffected by the snow all around.

Rhasìr is also very fond of traveling and enjoys doing presentations at the Rengoll secondary school as part of his Double Mastery. He also loves to just go on adventures trading goods, chatting with locals, and enjoying the scenery. He often travels to Kiillaana to give lectures and do studies there and loves making use of photography.

Rhasìr lives in the capital of Montàlo in a small stone house with a spacious, wet, green field for a yard. His wife, Vani Lochgren, is also a geologist and specializes in the caves and quarries of the area. Together they have a 4 year old little girl, born on Leap Day, named Sienna. Though she is young she is already a world traveler and loves to go on "adventures" with her daddy where they "sneak" out of the house and travel to one of the sides of the valley to camp and visit the hot springs. In addition, Rhasìr also lives next door to his cousin Petèro who is also full of energy and eager for a road trip. Being a master of Falconry, Petèro travels often and most of the time the two of them travel together.

Obviously, Rhasìr is a Man of Terabi and as such is able to traverse the Realm to talk with past figures, ponder his work, and learn of others. He quite often meets up with Sochne Hieldin, a Terabikai from the other side of the mountains, for a game of cards and a quick evening chat. While he technically doesn't need to travel by horse for anything, he chooses to because "traversing everywhere would take away the beauty of the countryside." He wields a 2-handed sword, one of the rarer Lovelight weapons, and though he hasn't come across nearly the things that someone like Meiro Freloch has, he is still always there to give comfort with his undeniable aura.

I can't wait to see what else becomes of him!

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