11 May, 2012

More Burke Things

Those Burke twins and their younger brother just can't get off my mind! They're fun to draw and fun to think about. I'll probably write a story about the twins' journey through the middle of Kiillaana to arrive in their apartment in time for Orientation and all that. Just like the Lochgren post from last year! It's firmly set now that Sorrell is the performer and Daniel is the conductor.

Here's a random sketch of Daniel that I wasn't even planning on signing but it turned out really good!

This is a weirdly drawn but nice fullscale picture of Daniel and Sorrell at marching band practice. I'm still practicing drawing more than one person in the frame and thought this one turned out awesome!

The Burke twins are the oldest of 5. They have a younger brother Dyar (pronounced Darr) and two younger sisters Chelsea and Christine. Dyar plays bass clarinet and is planning to join his brothers for college the next year.

Dyar looks a lot like his brothers but in a less "prettyboy" kind of way. lol

Writing will commence quite soon!

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