02 September, 2012

Slade Burke: An Intro to his Story

This is the story of Kiillaana's greatest double agent. He has been revered as the Dragon Dodger of his time and, at times, the Man who Saved Kiillaana. Most of what people knew of him were direct observations, in fact, it seemed that he was so withdrawn that nary a soul knew him personally. He had no favorites and he played none either.

His closest associate was his younger brother, Blaise, who was left sickly and stumbling; presumably by the crimson mark that ran across his face. Though he seemed cold and uncaring, Professor Slade Burke had a very close and protective relationship with his only living relative. He never raised his voice at his invalid brother and treated him with a sort of dark dignity that nobody could duplicate. Many thought Blaise was simply an orphan, pulled from the streets to evade a life of misery and woe; only a handful knew that Blaise and Slade were actually related. Word eventually got out as Blaise became a more prominent figure on the Tevernid Secondary School campus and by the time the war ripped through the heart of Kiillaana near everyone knew of their kinship.

Professor Burke was a fellow of good height; tall and very thin. His skin was pale, almost white, as if he had never seen the light of day (and there was some truth in that!). His face was thin and pinched; large, dark eyes sat deep in shadowed, hollow orbs. His nose was slightly hooked, though the bridge straight, accentuating his dark visage. His thin lips lay etched in frown, never smiling. His countenance was bitter and tense, slightly sad and burdened. He was cold and seemingly uncaring although it was clear that he cared deeply about his study and knowledge of history and the education of his students.

Anything known about Professor Burke was not spoken by him directly. He rarely got close enough to people to divulge any personal information. Those that were lucky enough to learn about him slowly told others until it was just understood as fact. Still, Professor Burke was quick to correct any myths, misinformation, and false stories. His parents had both died while Slade and Blaise were quite young and apart from a quick stay by a strict grandmother until her health forced her away, Slade was left alone with the duty and obligation to raise his handicapped brother. It was understood by all that Professor Burke joined the military through Tevernid Royal University at the age of 15 where he went through basic training and was also tutored. Through this time his brother Blaise was taken in and cared for by both novice and veteran doctors resident on the grounds. Though he could not fight Blaise was put to use, painting banners and helping to clean and paint various fixtures throughout the campus.

 For reasons not known by a single person, Professor Burke became highly interested in Terabi and spent so much time studying the subject and Kiillaana's involvement that he was excused from the army and delegated as a history professor. What he lacked in sociability he made up for in his studies. He took his newly instated position seriously and became the history professor at Tevernid Secondary School in 1343. Since that time he was known for his cold ways and his ability to hold the attention of any group of students that came his way. He was an excellent teacher, demanding accuracy and excellence from his students.

When it came time to lecture on Terabi, it was as if something in him had changed. He was no longer speaking from the general memories that he was required to instill in his students. It was as if he was speaking directly from his heart. If there was something to be known about Terabi, Professor Burke knew about it and made sure everyone else knew about it too. It was odd that he had chosen someone of such love, compassion, and stature as his focus of study for it seemed that he lacked them all himself. Even still, nobody dare question him.

During class, of which he taught several per day, he held total attention with nary more than his eyes. He spoke sharply but clearly in a growling voice, clinging on every word, expecting his students to follow along with total attention. When he paused he pursed his lips into a thin line, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled sharply, staring at the class with his sunken and piercing eyes. Any deviation of total attention was met with few but harsh words that carried so much power behind them that nobody could turn them against him. He invited discussion but moderated it intensely. Though intimidating, his lectures were inviting and though he never smiled or had any ray of lightness about him at any time, nobody ever felt worried to speak. Class ended when he was done lecturing, oft accompanied by a written assignment that dealt with the day's material. On occasion, class ended abruptly with Professor Burke throwing books off his desk and kicking the tables, eager to be alone.

Professor Burke was an introvert in every sense of the word. He despised small talk and would never be caught at any sort of party or event that he was not absolutely required to attend. He rarely spoke outside of class and walked tall but solemnly everywhere he went, always wearing a fitted black outfit accented with dark green. He rarely left the school grounds, spending the majority of his time in his office down the hall from his history classroom. It was a dark and shadowed place and hardly a soul was quick enough to get a glimpse of what was contained inside. There was a door on the opposite side that led to the back fields that Professor Burke would leave to walk with Blaise through the grounds, taking him to a small hut along the rampart where his caregivers lived and provided him with activities. There was a small pond nearby, as well as a post box that Professor Burke checked daily. Other than this brief time outdoors he stayed in silence in a comfort only he could enjoy inside his office. He was diligent in grading the papers he assigned his students and did always leave comments, though most were worded to cause doubt and lower self-confidence. He was a master of conveying precise emotion in few words and all who knew him both liked and hated him.

He grew older and as he did so the country of Kiillaana was changing. A group of three evil men, all armed with the Gift of Swaying, had taken over much of the mid-eastern part of the country. They had been raising up an army to try and overthrow Tevernid and by 1358 the school had been disrupted and it was time for Kiillaana to come together as one to fight for their freedom. Many knew of his dealings with the enemy, as he made no effort to keep it secret, and nobody was really sure whose side he was on. He made it clear he would not fight for either side unless he himself was affected. He was noted as saying often "I will teach until I must raise my blade."

 However, nobody could have predicted or even conceived the thoughts of what would transpire in the year 1358, when Professor Burke would finally be able to remove the walls from his very guarded personal life. This is his story.

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