07 September, 2012

Terabi Timeline

A Brief History of Terabi Tana

Rinniken establishes the Circle of Mages to harness and organize the god power that many possessed. They use the Realm of Traversing to communicate with their Rakian (Rancem) counterparts.

Rinniken marries Aisa Tala and they begin their reign as King and Queen.

A Mage, Vallon-Irrim, becomes corrupted with evil magic and takes the Realm of Traversing for his own, turning it into a place of demons, curses, and chaos. The Mages, powerless against him, seal the Realm by destroying the knowledge of how to enter and refusing to speak of it or teach it to the next generation. Vallon-Irrim, called the False King, causes havoc in all of the countries of the world, trying to capture the souls of the weak to become his minions. Over time, the knowledge of the Realm as anything other than evil is lost and it becomes a thing of legend.

Rinniken and Aisa give birth to their first child, Osai, who is set to be Rinniken's successor. He has a lot of god power but is classified as a demigod. They go on to have several more children.

Osai is initiated and crowned the next King of Catarika.

Osai establishes his kingdom in Rihanu in order to be equidistant from the biggest cities.

Rinniken and Aisa leave Keva to preside from the Realm of Gods.

Osai marries Airi Sanveda and rule as King and Queen.

Rinniken's second son, Seranu, becomes a Head Mage in the Circle of Mages.

Kiillaana is created by the hands of Rinniken, Aisa, and others.

In the Realm of Gods, Jinjo's youngest son, Terabi, volunteers to sacrifice romantic love to conquer the Realm of Traversing and turn it back to good, becoming the God of Compassion and Aura. Jinjo agrees, sending Terabi to Catarika in the form of a man to experience mortal life. He also assigns him to answer to Rinniken since he is so much younger than Rinniken's line.

Terabi is led by instinct to the Circle of Mages where he meets Seranu, by then a Man of Osai. They talk for hours and Terabi is discovered to be a Mage almost immediately.

Terabi and Seranu walk together to Rihanu to meet King Osai. Osai knows exactly who this man is but is forbidden from Jinjo to say, instead sending him back to the Circle of Mages to harness his abundance of god power.

Terabi graduates through the circles of ranks faster than anyone had ever seen. He quickly becomes a master of Kalotano but turns down the position of Head Mage.

Terabi finds an ancient mages' book and discovers a tiny mention of the true Realm of Traversing. The more he studies it, the stronger his memories become until he makes it his life's quest to find a way into the Realm.

Terabi and Osai become great friends, sharing in their life's journeys. Terabi is almost always present at royal dinners and events. He is well known as a Mage and enjoys helping people through his almost otherwordly abilities.

Osai returns to the Realm of Gods where he sits as the God of Vision, leaving Catarika to a succession of mortal kings.

Terabi spends hundreds of years becoming strong in his power and trying to find the tear in the Realm.

Terabi sets foot in Kiillaana where he remains for the rest of his mortal life, meeting a family of quiet warriors which he befriends. He watches their generations go by and becomes a guardian of the family.

Terabi finds the tear in the Realm and spends another century perfecting the magic and power required to open in and go inside.

Terabi finally masters the forgotten spell and opens the tear in the Realm, entering. Immediately, all of his memories are restored and he is transformed into the deity he always was. Using his own crafted magic, he wields a staff of Lovelight, unbreakable by any force of evil, and seeks out the False King.

Terabi and the False King battle for three days and three nights; Terabi essentially waits for the False King's energy to strip down to his bare and mortal soul and finally utterly destroys him. He claims the Realm as his own and builds an indestructible and safe palace by his hand, causing things of value destroyed on earth to appear in the Realm, especially artwork and books.

1019/1020- Terabi and Osai are granted the right to create a country of their own, forged in their friendship, by Jinjo and Rinniken. They gather 13 specific people and transform them, resetting their genes and giving them a unique appearance and skill set. They call their country Jadali and the people Jadali-Kiillra, a blend of Catarika and Kiillaana. Osai promises one of his men to lead them, guided by Osai himself, and Terabi gives the Jadali-Kiillra his blood. Though the country was forged from both of their hands and has an Osanokai to lead them, the symbols on their flag are those of Terabi since Osai had already been worshipped and followed for thousands of years in Catarika. They, along with Terabi, take on a new language called Keòen.

The now-vacant Circle of Mages is reclaimed by Jadali soldiers and is the base of the Jadali Quarters in Catarika, known as Andaradd.

1357-1360- Terabi's War breaks out in Kiillaana when three men armed with a lesser skill given of Terabi abuse their power and become evil overlords. Terabi initiates and sends Slade Burke to Tevernid to be a double agent in order to reach the first of the three leaders in a weak spot and slay him. As battles progress, Terabi himself fights alongside Jadali, killing the second enemy leader and helping to kill the third. Kiillaana emerges victorious and resumes a reverence for Terabi.

Terabi continues to appear all over the Rinniken World saving people and providing anonymous comfort to those in dire need. Sightings pop up in journals, records, and other writings.

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