14 February, 2011

Osai Spotlight: Yehai Sorela

Full Name: Yehai Falcora Sorela
Birthday: March 3, 1890
Nationality: Catin
Birth City: Rihanu, Catarika
Bloodline: Sorela
Current City: Rihanu, Catarika
Title: Author, Poet, Composer

Yehai Sorela: Poet, Author, Composer

Fast Facts:

  • Yehai Sorela is the 5th child of Tano and Jianni Sorela. He has 3 older brothers and an older sister, and 2 younger sisters.
  • He was sent to a doctor at the age of 3 because he was not sleeping at night. The doctor looked at him and suspected that he was a Man of Osai based off his name and mannerisms. His family took him the following week to visit Miaro Migali, a Man of Osai and the gardener at Osai's Palace, to have him determine if this was the case. As they interacted, both of their eyes glowed with the ring of triangles and his great gift was discovered.
  • Yehai became the 5th Osanokai of the times in 1894. The others were John St Castel (1768-1905), Lore Hieldin (1792-1928), Alsuvo Sorela (1815-1950), and Miaro Migali (1848-1981).
  • He would later start a line of many men bestowed with the gift- a Man of Osai was born on average every 3-5 years from the time of his birth up to present-day.
  • He graduated from high school in 1908 and went to Rihanu University to pursue creative writing.
  • Picked up piano in childhood and has been an organist for over 90 years.
  • Met his wife, Amira Bisa, at a school social event. They sat by each other when there was only one empty seat left and she was late. She was majoring in history and commented that he looked exactly like the man she dreamed to marry on more than one occasion. They began talking about Osai which led to many long conversations. They fell in love and were married in 1912.
  • Graduated from college in 1912 and quickly became a published author of everything from novels to songs to poetry. He was regarded as a master of words and what he couldn't or wouldn't say aloud he could far more easily express in the written word.
  • Had 5 children- Maren (1914-1998), Kaltos (1918), Yetanga (1920-2007), Amurel (1924-2004), and Kaia (1925). All were quite successful and he has many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and beyond.
  • Only his oldest son, Kaltos Sorela, and his youngest daughter, Kaia Sobato, are still living. His wife and three of his children have since passed of old age.
  • His son Kaltos is a Man of Terabi.
  • His official title on the Osanokai roster is author but he also works for the Royal Court as a historian and works alongside Drakon Visai. He is also the organist at the Rihanu Great Law Hall and holds the position of calling forth the great gifts and things for the people.
  • He discovered Karosona Alahu and Kasari Tima.
A Short Description:

At a glance, Yehai Sorela seems as most other men traversing the castle grounds of Osai's Palace, but with a darker, more etched face. He looks ageless and yet worn, as if he has been shaped by the sands of time from the purest form of life. As he approaches, however, his pace is unmistakable- he walks with a certain and careful step, impossible to describe in words but unlike any other man. He is a short man, standing just 5'6'' tall, and he is quite shy. His soft brown eyes look from under his deeply furrowed brow and seem to glow all on their own with love. His voice is high and whispery and he trips over every R and M in his native Catin tongue, but he radiates with the aura of caring that is inherent in his Sorela blood.

He walks over to his office, his desk filled with neatly stacked papers- manuscripts of stories, light bound works, notebooks filled with sketches. In another corner, pages of staff paper are filled with musical notation of many kinds. Upon reading, even briefly, one can immediately realize that what Yehai Sorela lacks in speech he more than makes up for in pen. His words are powerful and mighty, and carry the exact message he wants in a way that is subconscious and barely noticeable except to those who look for it, a true mastery of his craft. His music has been used in movies and studied by music majors everywhere. He has had many commissions and still enjoys composing music as well as stories and essays of every kind.

Most of his immediate family has gone, for he is at the age where he surpasses nearly everyone by a good 25 years. One of his sons and daughters remain living in Catarika, and he has many more generations after them that he regularly visits and enjoys writing for. He also enjoys visiting all of the Men of Osai in Catarika and, on occasion, travels to Kiillaana to visit the country, which he describes as "beautiful" and "a great friend to Catarika." He has met nearly all of the 26 other Men of Osai that are younger than him and keeps in contact with many of them regularly. His pair is Drakon Visai, a dear friend of his that lives just a mile away from him and works less than a mile from him.

Yehai enjoys nothing more than a day of writing and not speaking. He can often be found in the middle of the night walking through the palace gardens or reading from other authors to get inspiration for his writing. During the daylight, when the country is awake, he can be found traveling around administering to others his love and caring. He may be approaching 121 years old but he is still very much young at heart. He enjoys being the oldest of the Men of Osai but cannot wait until he can return home after accomplishing all of his work.

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