01 August, 2011

ILEN Tour- Chapter the Last

Oh my goodness! We are DONE with our tour! We're all tired and are getting back into the swing of things but we had a very successful final run indeed!

We arrived in Tevernid on the 9th and had probably our biggest concert yet in Tevernid at New Music Park. We actually played with a couple other bands that got famous using the internet to spread their music. It was really cool to tour TSOM and meet up with some old friends from high school like Harrison Kye and Mustafa Kribana and their families. I'd never met Harrison's kids before!

As a funny aside, Harrison was my doppleganger in high school. He's Gus's brother and Harper's cousin and we were about the same height, had the same amount of craziness, and had similar build. People got us confused more than once! We were in band together and everything.

We got a lovely tour of the city and the next day enjoyed a relaxing day at Harrison's house. We also got to visit the Great Law Hall of Tevernid which was amazing! What a city this place is! On Monday we all went to the history museum and got to see actual objects from Dragon-Dodger's time. It was amazing to go in depth and learn Jeneiyl Alihi's amazing story and how she became the first queen of Kiillaana. We also learned about the 13 people that were chosen to start the country of Jadali. Great stuff! It was fun to see the Kyes hang out with some of their good buddies and relatives and to get to know them too.

On Tuesday the 12th we were off to Tekria to play at the other major music school, Ricktoria-Landon. This place is THE place to go for modern music stuff! Gary Charles recently got accepted here and even met us there. He's getting all moved into his new house with his wife and son. It was a great concert and we played some new songs we've written on this crazy tour journey. This is a really cool place and home to one of the best drum corps around.

We didn't stay too long and were soon off for Anguadoria. We hit up Kaywood for a few days and met up with some old friends. A&H know a lot of people up in this area so we had fun with them too. On Friday the 15th I had the opportunity of a lifetime and got to meet Restaru Migali. He's a professional clarinet player from Catarika and his brother is one of the clarinet makers here in Kaywood. There was so much awesomeness happening that I can hardly explain.

Awesome: Meeting Restaru Migali and hearing him play.
More Awesome: Having Oja there performing as well.
More Awesome Still: Having the Eldin of Leena at that concert as well and getting to meet him.
Awesomeness Beyond Comprehension: Dr. Sorela and his family were there and he performed also.
Awesomeness on a New Plane of Existence: Jeffrey Peak, Daniel Battistone, Jeffrey & Yana Mohola, Magellan & Sokphair Liene, and several Kye descendants were also in attendance.
Awesomeness Overload: Having dinner and going for a walk in the most amazing scenery in the world with all of these people talking like we're family.
Awesomeness Overload Part 2: Getting out our trumpets and playing for them.

Needless to say, it was an amazing day for all 4 of us and everyone else involved. There was so much Osai in the city of Kaywood that I'm sure the moon was gravitated to us. :D

Whew! So... the next day (Sat. 16) we headed up to Kile Point which is a tiny city on the coast of Anguadoria famous for surfing. Declan Loch is from here and he was indeed there with his wife. We spent much of the morning surfing the waves and learning the ropes, having a great time overall. That night we had a concert inside the very famous Kile Resa Taresu and were met with many enthusiastic fans. I can't believe people on the other coast love us so much! So much Catin win!

Over the next few days we visited church in Kaywood and then headed for Alles and Annermatl on Monday. Holy CRAP Alles has the most bizarre weather ever thanks to a Terabian curse. It was really cool learning some of the history of these famous places and of course explore the jungle beyond.

On the 19th we headed for New Asia and spent the day at Attlefort Playground, which was a total blast. There's so much cool stuff you can do with the rides when the backdrop is the coast! We opted not to play there which was a good call because we heard a really great band instead and enjoyed their music very much. We left for our hotel tanned, tired, sunsoaked, and happy.

On the 20th we were up in Shoer del Fin and played a concert that was very well-received. It was super hot outside but we had great fun and got in touch with some more fans. :)

We then spent about a week in Jadali and man oh man was that fun! All 4 of us are hugely interested in Jadali history and were able to make our way to Freloch where we visited Dahsir Castle, University of Leena, and the Great Law Hall. Our guide was a very good friend of the Kyes named Eldorus Lochmont and he hosted us and showed us all the really cool history. We visited lots of museums and things and it was a great second half to our tour of Tevernid's history museums. We got to see the lovely coast, watch the sun rise over the castle, observe the ministry in action, and visit some of the most amazing gardens I've ever seen. Lots of the history struck a close chord with me and I was happy to learn all about it. Dr. Sorela totally grew up here! That's so cool!

We then began our journey back home, going through Kalitonia and Karafina. On Monday the 25th we found ourselves in the very cold city of Snowloch where two of our KU classmates are from. Eric's roomie from when he went to Catarika in 2008 lives here and they were so happy to finally see each other. Eric's brother Neil went to school here so he was right at home among the snowy streets and high elevation. The Kyes also have lots of family around here and enjoyed catching up with them. We had a concert at Sunslope Park and even though it was very cold it was very fun.

Three days later we found ourselves in the flat cornfields of Karafina and had a concert at Harley High School in Kadinne. By then we were very tired and eager to be home but we had a great turnout and lots of people say we inspired them. :)

Two days later, on July 30th, we finally arrived home! In celebration we had our final concert at our house and had many happy reunions with our families. We closed with lots of new songs we wrote while on this tour and had a big party. That was one long tour but it was so much fun! I'm so glad we finally got the chance to actually do it! Every sacrifice was totally worth it and we've become even closer as friends. I can't thank enough our traveling crew as well as all the amazing people that supported us on this musical journey all over Kiillaana. It truly was amazing and I certainly won't forget it!

Now it's time for all of us to get ready for our senior year of college! Vroooooom!

Augustus Kye, Lesko Diamond, Harper Kye, and Eric Latham, over and out!

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