12 January, 2012

Spotlight on: Carey Nihael

Full Name: Carey Alfred Nihael
Birthday: February 28, 1993
Method of Creation: #3- He's Kenyon's son! His name again comes from method 2 because he is named after Carey Idle.

Creation Story:
Almost as quickly as Kenyon jumped into the story pages so too did his son. I thought that the name Carey would fit perfectly here and have always liked the name used for a boy and wanted someone to make the name more convincing to me. I toyed around with Carey's age, first making him a young child of about 7 or so but ended up liking his name so much that I did some math and realized I could put him down as a senior in high school, making him a 2011 Newcomer.

Carey as a Newcomer

I set off to incorporate him into the Lochgren Series, since he would be hanging out with Moira quite a bit at school but originally thought of him as some kind of aloof guy. I'm so glad I was wrong. I had no idea that he would end up being one of the main characters of the Lochgren Series, appearing in most of the chapters, by becoming one of Moira's best friends. From there, he quickly shone through as a genuinely caring and sweet guy who had a quirky side to him. He was a perfect addition to the oboe section and within weeks nobody could even remember the times before him there. He looks only so slightly like his father but is following in his musical steps. With a dad like Kenyon, whose best friend is Dr. Sorela, Carey is no doubt very close to him. Dr. Sorela is Carey's godfather and Carey calls him Bhren-meiro, a Keòen term of endearment along the lines of Papa or Grandpa.

Carey, age 18

A Short Bio:
Carey loves to tell people he was born in Kaytue, even though he only lived there for barely a year before moving to Tevernid where he lived for 8 years. Right before he was about to start 4th grade he moved once more to Pathreeah where he spent the remainder of his school years. Sometime after the final move, Carey was able to play a musical instrument of his choice in the elementary school band. For years he told his father he wanted to be just like him and play the oboe. After making absolute certain that Carey wanted to play for himself and not only because of him, his dad gave him his very own little student model and began teaching him lessons.

Carey describes his first encounter with his favorite little Obby as his father handing over his own instrument one day as he practiced, saying "Go on, give it a honk!" The rest is history. Carey went through middle and high school as a band geek and was immensely talented and driven. He loved to play and begged his father to teach him reed making so that he could handle anything on the fly. He also gave his school friends mini-lessons and tips to help them play, never keeping secrets about playing to himself. He was known in high school for always wanting to share his talents with anyone who asked and was the opposite of stuck-up.

He met a handful of his future section mates during his college audition and fit right in. He was a perfect counterpart to Kirby as they sat in band on the first part and often traded solos for fun. He quickly became a favorite of teachers and students alike and was always sunny and upbeat. All his life, people often joked that his name was perfect as it was full of care.

A sketch done during class one day...

Five Fun Facts:
1. Carey can speak some Keòen and is learning lots more, being friends with four Keòen speakers!
2. Carey is the oldest of five. He has two brothers and two sisters: Justine, Johannes, Alicia, and Nick. He is very close to all of them, despite being 11 years older than Nick.
3. One of his closest friends, Jalen Matthews, is several years younger than him.
4. Carey is Moira's best friend.
5. His home nickname is Carey-Q, based off the misconception that his middle name is the same as his father's.

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