23 January, 2012

Stuff Airi Hieldin Sorela Says

In the same vein as those popular "Stuff [X Demographic] Say," here's a perfect place for Airi quotes!

On High Clarinet Playing (for context, here is the piece she references!)

“The first time I heard it, I found it impressive. The second time I heard it, it was all right. The third time I heard it, I wanted to rip my hair out and take an ice pick to my ears.”

(was it bad?) “No, it wasn’t bad! It was superb playing… It’s just the sort of thing you can only enjoy once, like scratching an itch. After that, it just hurts."

Random Classroom Advice
“Listen! This will change you for the better. This will help you when nothing else works. When you’re struggling with Ear Training homework and cannot figure out what to do… Remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!”

“Enjoy this Thursday. It’s the only one this week you get!” (she says this a lot according to her class)

At Lunch With Mildred Oswald (a voice student)
“Do you want these fries? They taste like potato.” (she was kidding)

Airi on Language
(a group of people [Lesko’s gang] walk past Airi as she is leaving the office. She turns to them and talks for a moment. Then, she is suddenly deep in thought)
Lesko: “What’s the matter, Airi?”
Airi: “Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies? The Kevian language is strange…”

Airi on Mischief
(Airi is upstairs chatting with some students. She sits down and gives one of her students advice. The topic turns to mischief)
“I was a young woman once too, quite mischievous in fact. One day, I arrived at school at the same time as Silanu always does and there was hardly anything to do as it was so early. While he was studying in the library I went out and locked all the bathrooms on the ground floor from the inside and then climbed out! They never caught me.”
(They all drop a lung laughing. Finally a student asks a question)
Student: “Does your husband know?”
Airi: “Oh yes, he knew it was me but he waited until after school to laugh about it.”

Airi on Death
(Having dinner with her brothers)
“It’s weird that you’ll reside in the Realm one day…”

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