21 January, 2012

Us Both??

I am very happy to announce that not one, but both of the ladies of the Diamond-Latham house are expecting!

I've known for weeks (call it my instincts) but haven't bothered to look until now. Rebecca hasn't been feeling well the past few days and we finally went to the store to get those cute little sticks of anxiety. Knowing already what mine would be (and the test didn't disappoint) we awaited the results of Rebecca's with nervous excitement. When we saw that little plus we both were ecstatic! We eagerly awaited the arrival of our men and the babies and had arranged a treasure hunt that they loved solving. At the end, inside the pillows on the couch, they found the letters used to spell out the words they both wanted to hear: "We're both expecting!" The look on Eric's face was priceless!

I'm so excited to be pregnant alongside Rebecca! Our littlest ones will be the same age! How neat! She's probably further ahead than me based on our little math but we'll have the details after our appointment!

Happy as always with news like this,
Avicile Mohaili Diamond

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