06 October, 2008

Spotlight on: Harrison and Augustus Kye

As I have mentioned Harry and Gus in several posts already, I thought why not tell y'all about them? Here goes!

Full Name: Harrison James Kye
Birthday: January 2, 1989
Method of Creation: #2- he gets his name (ONLY his name!) from Harrison Ford.

Full Name: Jason Augustus Kye
Birthday: March 19, 1990
Method of Creation: #3 and #1- I had a wicked cool name and first described him as Harrison's little brother.

Creation Story Part A (Harrison):
Harrison was probably the first person I created in high school. He was also one of the first people I actually "hung out" with, saw, and talked to. He came about the summer before my freshman year (so 2003) after I had watched Star Wars for the first time and loved the actors' names. As Harrison Ford was probably my favorite actor in the movies I just HAD to give someone his name! So I did.

Harry sort of grew over the course of three years before becoming what he is today. I had lots of inspirations from random sources that shaped him. I'll start with his personality. He is known for being very hyper and crazy- the class clown if you will. He started out being an actor actually, since Kennywood is the equivalent of Hollywood. His uncle works at Ferguson Studios (which is like the biggest studios in Hollywood, I guess) and Harry, being a natural at acting, starred in several movies. His ability to do almost anything, especially medical, was highly prized and got him lots of roles.

Then, in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, in math class, I thought about a guy my age that I knew that was a very talented musician and whose father was a professor of music in college. I was suddenly inspired to have that be Harry's story too. Harrison was in band from the start, like most of my people and so this worked well. His father, Dr. Blaze Kye, became the professor of flute at Kennywood University. Harrison became a super-talented flute-player just like his daddy, and he looks like him too! So then here I was- with a class clown that had too much energy and was a flute-player... who had a crush on the girl in the other class...

Harrison has a very unique look. He is tall, at about six feet, and is built to be all muscle- you know the type. Very thin, a six pack chest showing with little effort, etc. He has blonde, spiked hair with frosted tips (think of people like Ryan Seacrest and Ty Pennington), bright, sparkling blue eyes with a distinct shape and a distinct marking (more on that later), and a big smile that lights up his face.

So now, he's gone from actor to musician and his daddy can help him play well. He's tall and outgoing, with lots of friends, and oh, did I mention, he's very accident-prone. Like, breaking the same leg four times in four years kind of accident prone. He has broken almost everything and has had stitches, been knocked out, you name it. He sort of began taking definite shape and I was happy with him but soon something major would change him once more.

That thing was the introduction of Mustafa Kribana. He'll have his own feature but basically in a very short time it ended up that Harrison and Mustafa were best friends from birth and like brothers. Their fathers became best friends in college (and are both professors in the music departemnt at KU) and the rest is history. Mustafa is a flute-player too and the two of them can often be found practicing together. They're perfect for each other and are probably one of the best pairs I've ever come up with, right up there with Lesko Diamond/Oja Diamond and Celina Wheeler/Maineco Djosevili.

So pretty much Harrison was established and had his clame to fame. He attended Lionel High School and has since graduated and attends the Tevernid School of Music (the big dog music school) with Mustafa. He is married to Raynada Mohaili.

Creation Story Part B (Augustus):
Augustus came about in a very different way. I remember the place I was when I made him up like yesterday. I attended a jazz band camp one summer (2004) and I saw a guy on the drumset and before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Harrison's little brother Augustus plays drums too!"

I couldn't leave that statement hanging there so I quickly expanded on him. Somewhere along the lines it was said that he played the trumpet and was quite good, starting at about age 7 or so. At the same time, he was an excellent drummer, going on to become the drummer in the band he established and being in the drumline of drum corps, playing snare.

Originally, like Harrison, he was an actor and a carbon copy of him, only shorter. After having him star in a movie as an angry Goth, it became apparent to me that he looked better with black hair anyway so I changed him to give him black hair and a more rounded face, and he retained his height of about 5'6''.

Also, his name changed too. The complete, 8-member Kye family has two girls and six boys, and all of the boys' first names end with -son. As I wrote and finalized his family, I was left with some really cool names that did not end with -son. So, I decided to make them middle names. For anyone who wants to know, the Kye boys, in order, plus the girls, are Robinson, Jameson, Harrison, Jason Augustus, Danielle, Tyson Lucas, Wilson, and Brittany.

Augustus' biggest claim to fame is becoming the creator of ILEN, a fun "rock band" that deserves its own post. Nowadays, Gus is a freshman in college at UK2 (University of Kaytue) still playin drums and tootin his horn. LOL.

So there you have it- a little more info on two of the many Kyes that are here.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Why is your blog under review? Did someone flag it?