13 March, 2011

Picture Overload: Terabi Edition

I got hold of a scanner and I arrive armed with pictures- hundreds of them! This isn't even all of them as I have several more blades I could have scanned, so I'll do those in a separate post. Here are a large handful of drawings over the span of about 3 years that have something to do with the Great Catin Gift, Terabi Tana. Go!

This is an unfinished, rough sketch of Dahsir Castle, circa June 2010. Note the Teracor on the flag, signifying Terabi and Terabi's Creed carved into the middle tower. Had I kept sketching, it would have gone on to include carvings of the symbols of Osai, as the two gods worked together to create Jadali. The actual castle is huge, with a very beautiful central court with gardens.

OK I lied, Ilonwyn Lochmont doesn't have much to do with Terabi, but he is the current ruler of Jadali who abides in Dahsir Castle and I thought he'd be more at home in this blog post. I guess Terabi did play a role in showing Ilonwyn exactly what happened to Sorela that fateful day in 1963, and I know he has seen Terabi in vision and most likely in person as well.

A full-body drawing of Terabi himself in his home, Terabi's Realm. He is the only person whose Blade of Lovelight can change shape depending on what he is doing or how he wishes to be seen. Although he is a god who was sent to the middle of Catarika with no knowledge of his past, and has no parents or family on the earth, he took on the Catin race and therefore has Catin features like the cat-shaped eyes, straight black hair, and the typical sharp jawline. (Drawn December 2, 2009)

Another picture of Terabi drawn a little over a year after the previous (Drawn February 13, 2011). This one shows just his portrait with his striking Catin features, and also includes his glowing Teracor (soul) where his Blade of Lovelight is kept and where his powers are stored. I think this picture captures his soft soul, amazing aura of trust, and his kind and caring nature.

A picture of who is most likely Terabi, in the Realm fully robed and kneeling with a blade held out in front of his upper body. This picture was actually drawn before any of the others (November 17, 2008), likely before the Blades of Lovelight took on the bites and flares that they are known for now.

This is a drawing from the same page as the one previous, showing the location of Terabi's Realm. This drawing clearly illustrates the Curse of the Realm, which involves the victim literally falling through the ground where nasty evil awaits them on the other side.

This is an illustration strip showing the basic story and first draft of Dr. Sorela obtaining Terabi Tana, which was a very violent event. The first frame shows him attacked by an evil monster with Terabi kneeling down with the blade at the final moment when it really would be life and death. The 2nd frame shows Sorela thrusting the blade into the monster's heart, defying all odds and killing it, sending evil dark energy surging through his body like lightning. The third frame shows his body as it was back in the world as witnessed by Isli Loch and Meiro Freloch- suddenly burning with an immense blue or red light. The last frame shows the areas of Sorela's body where he was physically burned from the inside out, but not yet in the definitive shape of the claw as described now. It too is on the page with the 2 previous pictures so it was drawn in November of 2008.An early, undated version of Dr. Sorela's Blade of Lovelight, found with a few others.
Another version of Dr. Sorela's Blade of Lovelight. This one is the one I went with, as the hilt has the claw of the beast on it. I think I drew this one later but they are both undated so I am not sure when they came about. They were in different notebooks.

A portrait of Dr. Sorela, circa 2010.

Another portrait of Dr. Sorela, circa late 2010. Out of the two here I feel like this one resembles him more closely.

A small sketch on the same page as the first drawing I ever made of Dr. Sorela, of his official sign over his office door and the informal, handwritten, laminated sign beneath which reads "Captain Darkness." This is mentioned in the first post I did about him.

A fairly recent (February 2011) sketch I did of what I think Dr. Sorela's office looks like. A written description is mentioned in his Osai Spotlight at the very end for his short description.

A portrait of Fury Blackwood, a fellow Terabikai that was a graduate student for a year at KU (where Sorela teaches) in the 2009-2010 school year. He is a violin player who is now in the K-Phil and is teaching at a local elementary and middle school. He loves to perform and, like Sorela, never ties up his long hair. He was based off and subsequently dedicated to one of my friends and named after her son. As a side note, his full name, which I absolutely love, is Oxford Fury Blackwood.

A sketch of Fury Blackwood's Blade of Lovelight.

A sketch of Rodney Savage's Blade of Lovelight. Like his personality, it is very minimalist and to the point, although it might have more bites and flares than this shows.

An unlabeled example of a Blade of Lovelight, forged from a simple diagonal blade.

The impressive 2-handed blade of Jeffrey Diamond, the eventual son of popular Osanokai Oja Diamond.

The blade of Taylor Kingston, the best friend of Jeffrey Peak.

The intricate and fancy blade of Meiro Freloch, a dear friend to Dr. Sorela and the Terabikai present that day when Sorela received Terabi Tana.

This was my recreation of the blade of Mera Visi, which I thought I had lost. I eventually did find it (woooot!) and then remembered that there is a Terabikai at KU in the band who is nicknamed "Meravisi" all the time so I decided that this is his blade.

Last but not least, here is a picture of Mera Visi, in great detail, his hands holding the hilt of his massive 2-handed Blade of Lovelight. After finding the original drawing of his blade I set off to draw his lovely hands. I very much love his Teracor ring on his right hand and his wedding band which bears the word 'Eterne on it on his left hand and am a little jealous. :P His hilt represents twigs or other such flora, going along with his career as an herbalist. Real nerds may notice that his left hand is on top- he is indeed left-handed!

Whew! That was a lot of pics!

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