14 March, 2011

Picture Overload: People Edition

Prepare yourself for a picspam like none other! Oh, and you have no idea how long it took to organize these pics to my liking... Whew! So, I present to you a fraction of my drawings in a half-logical order. Go!

Jalen Matthews, one of my only people to come to me completely from a dream and unique because I really did see his name. He will likely become significant, as he is a close neighbor of Lesko and Eric and his family and the Nihael family are very close friends.

The wonderfully dark-light Thomas Keery, with his long face and gap between his teeth, is sure to make you feel better.

Soli Sotora, a bass-player, married to Angelina Lane, who is somewhat of an exchange student from Rania. Iya Rani to be exact.

The ever beautiful and extremely artsy Sokphair Diamond Charles, the sister of Oja and Lesko Diamond and the wife of Lleyton Charles. She went on to make delightfully nerdy jewelery. No lie!

Quinn Dale, a sweet flute-player with a head of pin curls! Her (fraternal) twin sister, Trey, is a bassoon-player and is completely opposite in personality and looks. Together they do some pretty awesome stuff!

The next 8 are from my 2nd "Newcomer Series" which puts faces to the names of the incoming freshmen or transfers to the KU music program.

Ravosilu Kribana, the highly talented nephew of Dr. Kribana, has decided to leave his full-blooded Catin life in Nialli to pursue Music Performance under the direction of his uncle. Like him, he is a horn-player! Go Ravo go!

This picture isn't the best, but this is Rachael Norbert, a girl from a long line of musicians living in South Kennywood (she is a sibling of one of the people in the Brassington storyline of a few years back). Like her brother Joshua she is a horn-player and although it's impossible to tell she has fiery red hair just like him and green eyes. The 'real' Rachael does not have a round face... I just can't draw girls anymore. XD *SPOILER!* She is the future wife of Nathan Surcaston.

Here we have Nathan Shirey, the younger brother of flutist Jack Shirey, from literally the other side of the country. He's from Shoer del Fin, a city pretty close to Taleah and which has a huge Jadali population. He is coming over here for a change and to be near his brother. His sister lives in Jadali and he is almost fluent in Keoen, which he hopes to show off a lot. He plays the clarinet.

According to Dr. Sorela, the music department gets a student from Jadali about once every five years, so I decided it was time to introduce a full-blooded Jadali Kiillra into the mix! Moira Lochgren is from the province of Lochgren, specifically Leena Eithre Resa, which is right on the coast and is the port to Taleah. In order to pursue music in Kiillaana, she went to school on Taleah just like Dr. Sorela did. She is a flute player who got her first flute at a 2nd hand shop in Cobh de Via.

Hsan Ba, one of the few Tellish people in band, comes from the Tellish quarters of Pathreeah. His name is pronounced "Sean" so that is what he goes by. He hopes to rule the world one bass clarinet solo at a time!

Fiara is very unique in many things. Having albinism, she has a very unique complexion of pure white hair and very pale and fair skin. She is legally blind but uses her glasses to accentuate her eyes and red lipstick to highlight her lips. She calls herself the "Ice Queen" and is very sweet and shy. She is a very good flute and piccolo player who has received statewide recognition for her playing ability. Her hope is to carry that gift and love of music to the world.

Who can resist those eyes?? I was trying to draw someone else of Lisjovalan race (their eyes are kind of like that) but as I finished, the name of Declan Loch's little brother screamed at me and it was made so. He comes from across the country as well and is from the tiny coastal surf town of Kile Point. He is directly related to Mera Visi and has that inherent knowledge of herblore. He is a bassoon player who does music in a different way than his older brother but is still very talented.

Ah yes! As I was going through and creating Kenyon Nihael, the names of his children fell into place. Turns out his oldest son, Carey, is just like him and is walking in his shoes, being an oboe player and all! This is my first drawing of him...

...and here is my 2nd! He looks fairly similar, but more like his father in this one.

This is Dr. Nihael's middle child, Johannes Nihael, who is etching out a story of his own! He is just 14 but I have linked him to Jalen Matthews, one of my many people born from a dream. His looks are based off a friend of mine, with that style of hair and facial features. His name is pronounced simply yo-ON-nes and I am unsure if he plays something yet.

And here is Kenyon Nihael himself! I thought this picture looked young, so I decided this is an old pic from 1990. He's so adorable!

Nathan Surcaston, the most aware, quiet, and sensitive person EVER, is such an amazing man. He quietly goes about doing things for others who need it most and never forgets a birthday and is ready with sweets or something similar. Having Terabi Tana, he has perfect empathy and with his personality he is like a walking aura of complete peace and love, who is ready to comfort whoever needs it. He is based almost completely off someone I know, down to the looks and nearly his whole name. He plays the horn in band and is very good at it too.

Like I mention in his spotlight, his story "started with a bang." He and his father, Gordon, were in a car accident in June of 2009 and Nathan broke both legs, his right arm, and cut up his face pretty bad among other things. He still bears these huge, visible scars but they have made him who he is and do not deter people in any way. Many believe the accident was a chance for the people whose lives he has touched to repay him by caring for him. The above is a concept drawing of his recovery.

This drawing was one of 4 from my first "Newcomer Series." In it, I drew a Catin ultimate band nerd "punk" complete with the punk hair bleached blond in the front, tight pants, Vans shoes, and a hilarious faux leather vest with studs in it, covered in music-related patches like piano keys and a treble clef. Like the caption says, he is THE bass clarinet player and that instrument fits him perfectly in a weird sort of way.

This is a pic I drew some time later of Murray Fasili and two friends that came from the same high school as him, all joining the KU band. It's a little blurry because of the huge metal rings that lift it off the page when I scanned it, but the likeness of Murray is almost identical to the drawing above (I did not look at it for reference)! The guy in the middle is Dalton Bradshaw, a trombone player, and the guy on the right is Daniel Renevan, a tuba player.

A simple drawing of Queen Jeneiyl Alihi of Tensk.

Jeffrey Stolley, a big name in Drum Corps who marches tuba and hopes to teach Corps in some capacity when he graduates in 2012. He comes from the Brassington storyline.

A nice little drawing of Jeremy Peak, the older brother of Jeffrey Peak, showing his sweet short hair and nice beard. He looks just like his brother although it's hard to tell here. He was the best friend of Kyle and they still hang out occasionally.

***Jeffrey Peak Times Three!!***

One of my first good attempts to capture his look. He is wearing exactly what he wears in my Runescape avatar that bears his name. It's surprisingly difficult to capture the }:-| face well.

Yup, he's left-handed all right! And wearing a hat!

Jeffrey in his Sunday best, with a slight smile on his lovely dark face. His eyes are so hard to do right but it looks all right... :D

A drawing of Sethery Peak, Jeffrey's oldest son, who has quite the story to tell.

A picture of best friends Jeffrey Diamond (the son of Oja Diamond) and Taylor Peak (the son of Jeffrey Peak) who together form the group Peak and Diamond. They are percussionists who go to school together and provide much needed comic relief and laughter for everyone. Gosh Taylor looks so much like his father!

A random picture of Oja Diamond. For some reason it looks like he's giving me puppydog eyes... makes him look like a little kid, but it's still so very sweet. :3

A random picture of Lesko Diamond, who is notoriously hard for me to draw, even though I know what he looks like more than just about anyone else. Maybe that's why it's so hard to draw him! This picture captures his essence perfectly with his high energy and shining light.

A small sketch of Eric Latham, who is also hard to draw because of his unique facial features. This is actually a pretty good idea of what he looks like. Can you believe is is 5'3''? He's shorter than I am! Good thing his wife is the same height. :P

Jeffrey Mohola, an animated Catin trumpet-player from Ellsmatl, who is good friends with Lesko and Eric and loves orchestra more than about anything. He is well known for being class clown and is always doing his best to get everyone to laugh.

Jeffrey Mohola's girlfriend, Tanya "Yana" Bisa, who is a sporty girl who loves to march. She plays euphonium in band but is going to KU as a piano major. She is somewhat of a tomboy and is always one to organize impromptu sports in the park.

A nice little sketch of Augustus and Addy Kye's family in about 15 years or so. First we have identical twins Jay and Glenn (yes Glenn is in a wheelchair!) and then their younger daughter Anna.

One of my favorite drawings from my first "Newcomer Series" is that of Hex Jackson, a bassoon player with a very scholarly look.

Gile Veda, a silly man from Iri Rani who goes to UBT and is very good friends with Oja Diamond. He is known for being a class clown and getting into mischief, which adds to his charm.

My original sketch for Erik Smith, a young man adopted at the age of 10 who is paralyzed from the waist down. He went onto become an incredible musician and even marched drumline while in a standing frame and being pushed by his girlfriend/fiance/wife.

A picture of Erik marching with his snare drum.

Kay is Erik's wife who pushes him on the field. She herself is completely deaf in one ear due to a brain tumor but has managed to do great things regardless.

Emmett Kye, a sketch in the first "Newcomer Series" even though he is still not due to be on college for a few years. Oops... got the wrong name. :P Even so, he's a musician still the same and looks just like the picture.

My first attempt at Elstan Wade Taylor. I like it and have a while to decide what he totally looks like.

***Elkari Darovani Times Three***

Elkari is a wildly enthusiastic and extremely talented cellist from Rihanu, Catarika. He earned the name Rihanu Cat after his nametag got water on it, obscuring his country. He is famous for his sleeveless and band geeky tees and his outdoorsy look.

He is married to the violinist Mirikeli Sokar from Auahana who came here with her brother Eitan and her best friend Haven Henley Vice.

He is such a hippie and we love him!

Willow Gray is a new girl from Isle Del Akai who is an art and music major. She plays the flute in band and her uniqueness is she has a condition that causes her hair not to grow, so it is only long enough to give her some color. I love her name so much!

Before it was once again my favorite instrument, I was already hard at work on this awesome picture. With a story behind them, this is the oboe section of 2008. It was significant because the entire section were all freshmen! From left to right, we have Kirby Law (now known as Kirby Riedlore) who is the only one still in band. Next is the lovely Winterwood Lightfoot (now Winterwood Rivers) who left when she had her son, Riedlan, in 2010 but remains in orchestra. Next is Maineco Djosevili who got married to Malachi Kribana and moved to Lisjovala after one year (and we miss her). On the very right is Karin Lesko (now known as Karin Charles) who married Gary Charles and left school when she had her son, Justin, in the summer of 2010.

A lovely picture of Winterwood Rivers in a very typical Winterwood outfit! She is a pro at layering and making anything go together!

Another drawing of her and her amazing sense of style.

Eagle Rivers in one of the first drawings of him. His story is amazing and he is one of the coolest people ever! Such a hippie as well!

All hippies have to relax sometimes...

A picture of Jag who is Eagle's best friend and Winterwood's twin brother. He moved back to Isle Del Akai when his wife had twins but he was a lot of fun to be with in band, especially marching band.

A nice drawing of Drakon Visai, looking very Jadali despite having mostly Catin blood by his generation.

Holy cow I finally reached the end! Last but not least here is a picture of Darrion and Elias Jackson, two older theatre students who have since moved on but were lots of fun.

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